-Chapter Sixteen-

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Sophie helped Keefe roll his luggage from his room out onto the driveway. He was going away for the entire summer to Hawaii, leaving her behind.

Most people would be thrilled about spending an entire summer in Hawaii, but Sophie knew he was less than excited. Spending twenty-four seven with his parents all summer was not ideal.

"When you can, will you call me?" she asked.

"I don't know how often because of Mr. NoseyPants back there," he gestured to his dad, "but if I can," he promised.

When Ro came out of the house with her bags, it was time to go. Sophie threw her arms around him. This would be the longest they've ever been apart.

"I'll miss you," Keefe murmured.

"I'll miss you too," she said softly.

Ro gazed at them with soft eyes before waving Keefe to the car. "Come on Squirt. Hate to break you two up, but we gotta get a move on to the airport."

He nodded and pulled away. He grabbed his suitcase and rolled it to the back of the car, stuffing it in the trunk. He walked around the car to climb into the backseat next to Ro.

The car started to pull out of the driveway. Sophie watched as it drove onto the road and down the street.

After their blue minivan was nowhere in sight, she hopped onto her bike. She arrived at her house eight minutes later, and climbed up the steps. She collapsed onto the couch.

It was only the first week of summer vacation. Keefe was going to be gone for two months. It was going to be a long two months.

Edaline peeked her head into the living room to see Sophie slumped on the couch. She walked up and sat next to her. She brushed the hair from her face.

"Are you okay, honey?" Edaline asked.

Sophie shrugged. "He's gone for two months," she mumbled.

"I know he is. But he'll be back. Try inviting Biana or Dex over this week. Even Tam and Linh."

She sighed. "Fiiiine."

Edaline gave her a soft smile and kissed her cheek before getting off the couch to make supper.

Sorry this one is so short. But I have a few questions.

First: I want to incorporate Wylie into this story somehow. How do I do that. Like their cool college friend.

Second: Sophie is still adopted in this story. She is aware and was adopted as a baby. Why was she up for adoption. Also, do I include the Jolie backstory for Grady and Edaline. If so, yes brant or nah

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