-Chapter Thirty-four-

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(Ninth grade:)

The car halted to a stop. The inertia caused Sophie to jerk forward.

"Ok," Grady murmured. "We need to work on those stops."

"Yeah, I can tell."

"Alright," he instructed. "Slowly, I want you to step on the gas to go forward."

Sophie carefully pressed her foot down and-

The car sped forward.

"STOP!" Grady yelled, grabbing onto the car handle.

She slammed onto the break. She felt something hit the back of her chair with a groan.

"Foster," Keefe said from the back seat. "You need to work on your driving."

She glared at the back seat. "What do you think I'm doing? I only got my permit yesterday."

"I can still drive better than you, though," he bragged.

She let out a grumble. "You got yours three months ago. That doesn't count."

He shrugged. "That sounds like a you problem."

"Go sit down. And put your seat belt on! That's why you rammed into my seat."

"I rammed into your seat cause you slammed on the breaks."

"And that's why you wear a seat belt."

He rolled his eyes. "Fiiiiiine."

She let out an exasperated sigh, but started the car forward once more. The rest of the drive was- mostly -smooth.

Sophie pulled into the driveway of her house. When they got inside, Grady collapsed on the couch with a sigh.

Keefe snorted. "I think you gave him another gray hair today."

She rolled her eyes.

Edaline peered out from the kitchen. "How'd it go?"

"Oh, y'know," Keefe propped his elbow up on Sophie's head and leaned on her. "She ran over every stop sign and traffic cone there."

Sophie ducked, causing him to stumble. "Did not!"


She shoved him. As if karma, she lost her balance in the process. He doubled over laughing.

"Well, do you guys want to help me make the cobbler?" Edaline suggested.

"Sure," Sophie told her.

She crossed the kitchen. She reached under the counter to grab one of the glass pans.

"Can you get the flour, Keefe," she asked him.

"Yeah, sure."

After gathering their ingredients. They set to work mixing up the batter. Keefe turned to Sophie with a smirk.

"Whatever you're about to do, no," she murmured.

His smirk grew wider.

"I said, no."

He went back to stirring. She glared, waiting to see what he was going to do. He never did anything, so she went back to cutting the peaches.

A few minutes later, her blood ran cold as something went down the back of her shirt. She whipped around to find Keefe standing behind her with flour cupped in his hands.

"Oh. My. Gosh."

He started to cackle. Sophie stuck her hand in the flour that fell on the counter. She smeared his face with it. He grabbed a handful of it and threw it in her direction.

She ducked behind the counter, laughing. When she popped back up up, she ran her flour-fingers through his hair.

"You did NOT. Touch. The hair!" He backed up.

"Yes. I. Did." She narrowed her eyes. Her lips twisted into an evil grin.

By the time Edaline came back into the room, the both of them were covered in flour from head to toe.

"I see," Edaline mused. "So much for two mature high schoolers."

Keefe snorted. "Who ever said I was mature."

She playfully shook her head. "I don't think you two will ever grow up."

"Excuse me!" Sophie cut in. "I am mature. He started it."

"I'm sure he did." Edaline grinned. "Alright, you two get this cleaned up. I'll be in the living room."

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