-Chapter Fifteen-

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Sophie was sitting in the car on the way to the school. She was being dropped off at Keefe's first baseball game.

She said goodbye to her parents and made her way to the field. When she got there, she saw Keefe with the rest of the baseball team. He was standing with Biana's brother.

Fitz pounded on his helmet, then pointed to the plate. Keefe nodded and ran to be on deck.

Sophie stopped by the concession stand to buy some cheese fries and a Dr. Pepper. She picked the set of bleachers under the shade. It was close to ninety-five degrees out. She didn't understand how any of the players were able to handle it. She was already sweating.

As she waited for the game to start, a car swerved into a parking spot. A car that she recognized.

"Ro!" Sophie exclaimed. She waved her over.

Ro hurried over and sat next to her in the stands. "Hey, blondie. I would've been sooner, but work wouldn't let me out early. The game hasn't started yet, right?"

"Nope." She pointed to the field. "Just getting started."

She sighed in relief. "Good. I promised I'd be here. He was so excited to be able to be in the starting lineup. Where is he?"

Sophie grinned. "On deck right now."

She followed Ro's gaze to where Keefe was standing outside the dugout. He was practicing his swing, following the path of the balls the pitcher was practicing throwing.

The game started. Fitz was the first to bat. He hit the ball and made it to second. The crowd went wild. Then it was Keefe's turn. Sophie and Ro cheered as loud as they could.

Sophie knew that he was able to hit well, but she wasn't aware that he could hit it to the outfield! The center fielder missed the ball. That was what let Fitz make it to home base. Keefe followed after him, albeit much slower. Thankfully, how hard he hit it made up for the lost time.

"Holy crap!" Ro yelled. "Did you know he could do that?"

"No, I swear."

She saw him make it to the dug out with the widest smile on his face. The entire team was pounding on his helmet and clapping his back as he made it in. (A/n I do softball, and this is basically what happens when anyone hits a ball or makes a base. It's fun. 😂) Sophie peered over to the other team. They looked scared. As they should be.

When the game was over, she rushed over to him and threw her arms around his neck. He was dirty from having to slide into third base during the fourth inning. They had won sixteen to ten.

"You did so good!" she told him.

"Thanks!" He looked a little red when he asked, "Do you want to come to the after game dinner?"

"Yeah, I'd love to. Lemme text my parents."

She quickly asked her mom if she could go with Keefe to the Mexican restaurant. She said that it was fine.

Ro kept giving Keefe a look. Sophie looked between the two, trying to figure out why. Ro turned to her. A suspicious grin spread across her her face. Ro opened her mouth to speak, but Keefe cut her off.

"Shouldn't we get going?" he said hastily.

Ro rolled her eyes.

At the restaurant, her and Keefe sat with Biana and Fitz and the end of the table. She got a notification on her phone just as the food was coming out.

She checked it and found out if was Keefe posting on his snap story. At first it was just from the game. Then she saw herself in there. And Fitz. And Biana. They looked like they were being taken from underneath the table.

She nudged Keefe with her elbow. She raised an eyebrow at him when she showed him the pictures. He gave a guilty smile. She just laughed and playfully bumped her shoulder with his.

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