-Chapter Forty-Four-

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Sophie adjusted her wig. She checked back in the mirror to make sure it was on straight. It was as good as it was going to get.

She walked out of the bathroom and texted Keefe, 'Hey, I'm ready. Are you driving to the costume party, or am I?'

'You can drive this time. I will on the way back,' he responded.

Sophie got into her car and drove over to his house to pick him up. Pulling into the driveway, she couldn't help bust out into giggles.

"You look more ridiculous than I was expecting," she told him.

"You're just jealous you can't rock this like I can," he flipped his long wig and strutted up to the car.

"Says the guy in a dress."

"Hey! It was your idea," he argued.

"Yeah, it was. But YOU'RE the one who insisted on being Rapunzel."

He climbed into the car. "Cause I can do it better." He slid his crown back on his head.

Sophie sighed, exasperated. "At least I can wear shoes as Flynn. I do NOT want to be on that floor barefoot."

"See, it's a win-win!"

"Whatever you say."

They arrived at the party to see their friends waiting by the entrance. Halloween decorations were put up by the doorway.

"Are you guys ready for this?" Biana exclaimed, twirling around in her fairy costume. "I'm totally going to win the costume competition!"

"Yeah. Yeah," Keefe said. "Keep thinking that. Meanwhile, I'll be leaving with that gift basket."

Tam eyed the costume. "Why would you- .... Never mind. I've learned not to ask questions."

"You have. I haven't. Who's your girlfriend?" Keefe gestured to the short blonde girl beside Tam.

Tam went red. "She's not my girlfriend," he hissed.

"Then why are you two holding hands?"

"We're just talking right now," he muttered.

Keefe smirked. Before he could continue to pummel with questions, Tam led the girl over to the snack bar.

"Her name is Marella," Linh supplied. "She's actually pretty fun. I've hung out with her a few times without Tam. But he refuses to give me any juicy details." She rolled her eyes.

"Cause why wouldn't he give us some entertainment."

"I know, right!"

"Alright," Sophie said, grabbing his hand. "Let's go do some of the games. I want to win a pumpkin plush!"

They went around to the darts and apple bobbing. By the time they finished ring toss, Sophie had managed to win three stuffed animals. Keefe had won nothing, and was pouting.

"Would you like me to win you something?" She offered

"Would you?" He gave her puppy dog eyes.


Sophie approached the game. After a few tries, she managed to pop a balloon. When she was handed the prize, she passed it to Keefe. His face lit up.

"Thank you, Foster!" He exclaimed.

She chuckled, "You're welcome."

The rest of the night was spent stuffing their faces at the snack table and filling their pockets with smuggled candy. At last, The winner of the costume contest was announced.

"And the winner is... Keefe Sencen!" The host called out from the stage.

"There's no freaking way he won!" Biana yelled out.

Sophie sighed. She should've known everyone was going to pick the most ridiculous costume

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