-Chapter Thirty-six-

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"Hey, hey, hey! Guess what?" Keefe exclaimed as they walked to their next class.

"That's usually never a good thing," Sophie muttered. "But what is it."

He rolled his eyes. "I swear, it's good this time. My parents won some horseback riding tickets at an auction! They're going out of town again, so they let me have it."

"Oh, that's awesome! Can you ride a horse?"
He snorted. "Nope! I'll figure it out. But it's for two. Wanna come with?"

Sophie grinned. "I'd love to!"

Later in the week, they arrived at the stable with Ro dropping them off. The rancher showed them the horses they could choose from.

One horse caught Sophie's eye. She had gorgeous white fur and a silvery gray mane. Her goldflecked brown eyes seemed to stare into her soul. Something about it drew Sophie inward.

Keefe caught her staring and followed her gaze. He sucked in a small breath.

"Oh, wow. It's beautiful," he whispered.

The rancher saw the horse they were looking at.

"Oh," he said. "That's Silveny. She's pretty skittish , so people usually aren't allowed to ride her."

"Can we go look at her?" Sophie had to ask.

"I mean... sure. She probably won't let you get too close, though."

They were led to her pen. Silveny continued to stare at her. She hesitantly reached over the door to stroke her nose. The horse let out a content snuffle.

Keefe tried to pet the top of her mane. She let him. Could this beauty really be that scared of people.

"Well, I'll be," the rancher murmured. "She never let's people get this close to her."

"Can we ride her," Keefe asked, hope shining in his eyes.

"Well, she is being calm. So I don't see why not."

After they got onto Silveny- Sophie sitting in front, Keefe sitting behind- they were given instructions on how to steer. After the run-down of how to ride the were let out into the closed in field.

After trotting around for a few times, they had Silveny pick up her pace. Soon, they were in a gallop.

Sophie laughed. She had tied her hair up in a ponytail. It was currently flying behind her, Keefe having to dodge it.

Be didn't seem to mind very much. He was just focused on trying to see how fast they could go.

Silveny must've been glad to finally be ridden. She kept sprinting around the field. It didn't take much prodding for her to go faster.

Keefe yelled out in delight when Silveny's speed was at her peak. Sophie could feel the adrenaline pumping in her vains. The crisp, cool fall air cleared all the fog from her mind. She had never felt so free and alive!

Sadly, their ride had to come to an end. They trotted Silveny back into her pen and dismounted.

The rancher came back around to them. "I have NEVER seen her so calm with anybody before. If you don't mind, I've asked to see if you guys could come over and have free rides with her. It's quite challenging to have her get exercise when she's scared of people and doesn't want to go back in her pen."

"That'd be amazing! It was awesome," Keefe told him.

Sophie headed to the car where Ro was waiting as Keefe put their helmets back. She sat down in the back seat.

"Hey, Blondie, can I ask you something," Ro questioned.

"Sure, what is it."

"Want to be in the wedding?"

Sophie's face lit up. "That'd be incredible! You'd really want me to be in it?"

"Of course I'd want you to be in it! I've known you forever." Ro turned in her seat. "Keefe will already be the ring bearer, and you'd be a bridesmaid."

"That sounds great," she grinned.

"Awsome! I'll pick you up when it's eventually time to get dresses."

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