-Chapter Forty-one-

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(Tenth Grade)

The bus parked in the parking lot. The grade was at a lighthouse for a field trip. It was the first one established of their boardwalk city, and they were going to learn the history of it.

"Mr. Sencen!" Mrs. Cadence yelled. "Quit horsing around. We're here to learn."

Keefe huffed, setting down the stick he was using to drum against a light pole. Sophie grabbed his arm and drug him away so he wouldn't be tempted to continue.

Instead of letting her keep him out of trouble, he yelled out, "This is boringggg!" A few people snickered.

Mrs. Cadence pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm not dealing with your attitude today. Detention when we get back."

He rolled his eyes. Sophie sighed. So much for trying to help.

Their class was led into the museum. The lighthouse keeper's house was preserved into a living museum. They were toured through the hallways, going into the different rooms.

Keefe sighed. He leaned onto Sophie and groaned.

"Get up," she told him.

"But Fooooosteeeer," he whined. "I don't wanna be heeeerrrree."

"Well, I do. Some of us like learning about history."

He turned away and looped his finger around his ear.

Sophie put her hands on her hips. "Excuse me?"

His eyes went wide. "Nothing!"

"Uh huh. That's what I thought."

Afterward, they were led to the outside of the lighthouse. Mrs. Cadence stood in front of them.

"Ok, kids. We're going to head up to the top now. Don't go ahead of me and stay on the railing."

Keefe turned to her. "Wait, we have to climb that?"

Sophie crained her neck. It was very tall. It had to have at least ten flights of stairs. She already knew she'd have trouble with climbing it. She couldn't imagine how he would manage it.

"Hey, I'm sure you don't have to climb it. I'll stay down here with you if you want."

He shook his head. "I don't want to take the experience from you. I'm sure it's really awesome at the top."

"I don't mind," she insisted.

He stared at the top. "I think I want to try," he decided.

They set off up the steps. She gently took his hand and gave it a little squeeze on the second flight when his breathing started to turn a bit heavy.

By the fourth, she was really staring to feel it, too. She had slowed her pace to let Keefe take his time. People were passing them up now.

At the seventh, he leaned on the side of the wall doubled over, trying to catch his breath. Sophie helped him stay on his feet.

She took in a few deep breaths of her own. "You alright?"

He shook his head. "No," his voice cracked.

He slid down the wall and put his head between his knees. He made a noise of what sounded like a small sob.

She sat on the step beside him. He leaned into her.

"Easy," she murmured to him.

His breathing was more of hyperventilating at this point. She gently started to run her hand down his spine.

"Deep breaths, Bub. You need to take deep breaths."

He nodded, attempting to slow down his breathing.

A few people passed. They sneered at them. Sophie clenched her fists and shot a dirty look. They didn't understand. They would never understand.

"We can head back down if you can't make it to the top. You can at least say you tried."

He shook his head. "Uh-uh. I didn't climb all of that for nothing," he panted.

Keefe grabbed onto the railing to pull himself up. She steadied him. When she saw his face, she reached out to wipe his teary eyes and the sweat off his forehead.

"Ready," she asked.

"I think so."

As they powered through the final stretch, she noticed he was holding his breath.

"Hey." She squeezed his hand to get his attention. "That's only going to make it worse," she whispered when he looked at her. He exhaled. "There you go."

Finally arriving at the top, they both let the railing support them. The view from the platform was gorgeous. Sprawling fields to the right and beach to the left.

Sophie glanced at Keefe. "Worth it?"

He stared in aw at the scenery. "Definitely."

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