-Chapter Thirty-three-

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Sophie and Keefe ran ahead of her parents at the park. It was getting dark out, and families were spreading blankets out on the grass. The fireworks for the Fourth of July were going to start within the hour.

"We're setting up over here," Edaline let them know. Sophie gave a thumbs up.

They stopped at the corn toss. Biana, Fitz, and Dex were already waiting. In the distance, she could see Tam and Linh on their way over. When they made it, the group split up for the game.

After a few rounds, the fireworks began. They all got their blankets out on the grass, settling down in a group.

Sophie settled up against Keefe, him wrapping an arm around her. The warm night wind was blowing through the air. The entire atmosphere was like being wrapped in a warm hug. The colored explosions lit up the sky.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Dex and Biana snuggled together on the blanket beside her. She smiled to herself, deciding not to tease them about it for the time being. She did, however, nudge Keefe and gestured to them.

He smirked and opened his mouth to speak, likely to poke fun. She elbowed him and gave him a look to say, 'Not right now.' He complied with a dramatic pout. She shook her head.

At some point during the show, Keefe had wrapped both of his arms around her. She was now sitting in front of him, leaning against his torso. Her head was rested just under his chin. He noticed this and kissed her hairline. Sophie giggled, and he squeezed her.

At the end of the show, they said goodbye to their friends. On the treck back to the car, Sophie stopped in her tracks. A little ways away, she saw Dex and Biana talking to each other. She grabbed Keefe's hand to stop him and pointed.

Dex shuffled closer to Biana. She grinned at him and giggled. He leaned down a little but hesitated halfway. Biana said something with a playful eyeroll before grabbing the collar of his shirt in her hands to pull him down to her level. It took Dex a second to realize she was kissing him before closing his eyes and holding her in a hug.

When they broke apart, Sophie and Keefe scampered away before getting caught spying.

"Holy crap," Keefe murmured. "Finally! It's about time!"

"I'll say," she agreed.

"Although, makes sense." He stepped closer with a smirk on his face. "It is quite romantic tonight."

"Yeah?" Sophie challenged.

He responded by stepping closer and holding her in his arms. His placed a kiss on the bridge of her nose. He nuzzled into the crook of her neck after. She buried her face into his chest.

They startled apart when someone cleared their throat.

"Ummm...," Grady murmured. "You know what, I'll just meet you two in the car." He turned and hurried away, flustered.

They both busted out laughing. After giving Grady enough time to recoup, they made their way to the parking lot.

Hey guys. I'm back! Getting my surgery scheduled so I will be taking another hiatus soon. Sorry about that unexpected one 😅. I'm doing better now. But I'm here for the time being. Here's some sokeefe fluff to make up for it! Late 4th of July chapter but whatever.

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