-Chapter Fourteen-

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Sophie dodged another ball in dodgeball. She squealed as another one whizzed past her.

Biana came up behind her and threw a ball at Linh on the other team. It hit her in the shoulder. Lihn narrowed her eyes but sat down.

Tam took revenge on his sister. He ended up nailing Biana's side. There was murder in her teal eyes as she went to go sit on the bleachers next to Keefe, who wasn't allowed to play.

That's when she spotted Stina. She pelted a ball at Sophie. It hit Sophie in the head with a thunk. She fell to the ground with Stina cackling. (A/N Anyone get the Dork Diaries reference... No, just me? Alright, I'll see myself out. 🥲)

She was about to get up and throw a ball at her head despite being out, when she saw Keefe standing over her, holding out a hand. She took it, and he pulled her up. They sat down on the bleachers with Biana. Dex, Tam, and Linh were on the other team.

"For the record," Keefe said, placing a finger on the forming bruise on her forehead. "That is the reason I can't play dodgeball."

"Yeah, I figured," Sophie laughed.

"But are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she promised him.

"Awww," Biana cooed. "You two are adorable."

"Huh?" Sophie asked, tilting her head.

Keefe's face went nuclear. He made a cut it out gesture at Biana. That just made Sophie more confused.

Biana pointed to Sophie's bracelet. Sophie looked at it. "What about it?"

Biana rolled her eyes. "Never mind," she muttered.

The bell rang, and PE was over. They headed to lunch. She was in the line when her heart did its flutter. She used one hand to grip her tray, the other to lean against the wall. She waited for it to continue further, but it never did.

She let out a breath. It was just an aura. She continued through the lunch line, sitting at the table with her friends.

Keefe looked at her, "You alright? You're shaky."

She swallowed. "Yeah, I'm fine. It was just an aura."

He said nothing else but did take her hand.

She walked to science with Keefe and Dex. They sat at their usual table. The teacher was droning on about sedimentary rocks when her heart did another stall.

She locked her spine as she tried to determine if she needed to get on the floor. It didn't progress, so she stayed where she was.

Keefe was giving her looks. She gave him a thumbs up to assure him she was ok.

When it happened again, she ignored it. Only taking in a few deep breaths to ease her rapid heart rate.

When it happened a third time, it didn't go away. Sophie tried to breathe to make it stop, but it wouldn't. She was getting confused when her vision tunneled. Uh oh.

Since in middle school, she hadn't had many seizures in the actual classroom. Most of them were in the hall or outside. She was always humiliated when they happened in the class because everyone would always stare and point at her.

She barely even had enough time to react. She let out a loud groan and grabbed Keefe's hand in a desperate attempt to anchor herself before collapsing.

His eyes were filled with confusion before widening with realization. He caught her as her eyes glazed over, and she started tipping over. The last thing she could see before blacking out was Keefe starting to lower her to the ground and Dex frantically calling for the teacher.

When she came to, she was lying on the floor. There was a pounding in her brain. There was murmuring around her.

Somebody placed their hand over her eyes, shielding them from the light. It helped her head tremendously.

When a voice started speaking to her, the hand moved to stroke her hair. Sophie opened her eyes to find herself lying on her side. Keefe was knelt next to her, the one the hand was attached to. Her teacher was on her other side.

The teacher repeated his sentence. "Are you ok?"

Sophie nodded. She slowly sat up and leaned against Keefe. She stayed there for a moment before letting him help her up into her chair.

"Do you need to head to the nurse?"

She shook her head. "I'll be ok in a minute."

The teacher double-checked to make sure she was alright before heading back to his desk to continue class.

He turned a blind eye as she cradled her head in her palms. Sophie tried to take her notes, but her ears were still ringing. Keefe noticed and slid her notes sheet towards himself. As the teacher talked, he filled them out for her.

She turned her head to him. "Thank you," she whispered. Her eyes were still glassy from everything that happened.

"Of course," he murmured. He used his free hand to run up and down her spine and continued to take notes as she rested.

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