-Chapter Seventeen-

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Sophie was lying upside down off the edge of her bed. She had tried calling Keefe a few minutes earlier, but he didn't pick up. She decided to call Biana over instead.

Thirty minutes later, she heard a knock at the door. She opened it to find Biana standing with a wide grin and holding up a large makeup bag.

Sophie knew she messed up.

Biana giggled as Sophie led her to the room. They sat on the bed together. Biana placed the bag beside her.

Sophie sighed. "What are you planning?"

"I'm giving you a makeover."

She flopped onto the bed. "Please noooo!"

Biana grabbed her hands and pulled her up. "Oh, you'll be fine."

"Mom, Dad, save me!" she shouted. "Biana's giving me a makeover."

When no one came, Biana set to work. She did foundation and her blush. When she got to eyeshadow, the glitter rained down. Sophie accidentally inhaled it. She hacked the powder from her lungs.

When they were done, Biana pulled her in front of the mirror.

"See how amazing you look?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Well, yippee."

Biana dragged her by the arm. "Now we need a dress to complete he look!"

"NO!" Sophie screeched.

She dug her nails into the doorframe as they passed by it. Unfortunately, when Biana is in makeover mode, she seems to inherit super strength.

She pried Sophie from the door and took her to the closet. She grabbed the absolutely poofiest dress and threw it in her face.

Sophie reluctantly put in on. After she did, Biana came back into the room. She pulled Sophie into the living room to show Sophie's parents her creation with a wide grin.

'Help,' Sophie mouthed.

Grady snorted. Edaline laughed with a little head shake.

Sorry this one is short. 😅

Also another question.
I want Ro to get a boyfriend (probably gonna break up, but whatever.)

Should it be Bo


Or some rando that she's actually happy with

(Bonus) She cycles through the first two before a guy she's happy with.

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