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Luke p.o.v.

im luke hemmings and im in a band called 5 seconds of summer with my 3 best friends ashton irwin, calum hood, michael clifford. we're going on tour around the world and we are super exciting.

"OH MY GOD GUYS!" i say to the guys who are playing fifa.

"shut up luke can't you see we're playing." michael says.

"well guess what I have the best idea."

"okay what is it luke." ashton says while looking up from his phone because he hates fifa, weird i know right.

"you know how we're going on tour the whole year." i explain slowly.

"yeah im pretty sure we all know that." calum says.

"wow you don't have to be sassy." i chuckle, but get annoyed.

"LUKE WHAT THE FUCK IS THE IDEA." michael says screaming now.

"oh right sorry umm. i was thinking why don't we adopted a teenager or little girl, we can have someone with us on the tour bus and atleast we wont get annoyed by each other and also we can love her like she is part of the family?" i chuckle.

"WHAT THE FUCK LUKE!" ashton says screaming, well yelling.

i look down at my feet and thinking know that it's a bad idea.

"WHY DIDN'T I THING OF THAT!" i look up at them with a big smile on my face.

"we should really." calum says excited.

"okay how about we talk to our manager in two days because i really want some rest tomorrow and i really want to play video games?" michael chuckles.

"ok deal. we should really get some rest though." i say

"yeah we should, i'm going to bed" calum says.

"goodnight ashton and michael im going too." i say to them.

i go to my room and take my shirt off leaving me in some basketball shorts. i go to my bed take out my phone and open up twitter.

@Luke5SOS ; i have the best idea! hopefully you guys like it. i love you have a wonderful day.

i turn of my phone and plug it in my charger and pull my covers over me. i can't stop smiling or thinking but minutes later my eyes are completely closed.

Emma p.o.v.

"WAKE UP THERE'S VISITORS COMING" i hear ms. lee yell in the background.

i rub my eyes and see every single girl surrounded by me and my bed. everyone started to laugh even ms. lee. im seriously so sick of this, it's always like this.

"get dress they're visitors coming in about 30 minutes " ashley say in a sassy slash cocky attitude.

ashley is little miss perfect. she thinks she is better than everyone, she thinks it is always about her. god I hate her so much.

i grab a all time low tshirt and black ripped skinny jeans and start getting dressed.  i take a bunch of bracelets and put them on both my sliced up wrist, after that i brushed my teeth and washed my face. i tie my black converse and applied mascara and chapstick, something simple. i rushed my hair to the side and started to do a side braid until someone knocked on the door and it was ms. lee. 

hurry up the visitors are here" she says.

i just let my hair down. there was no one to impress. when i got downstairs i saw every single girl was lined up smiling and giggling at 4 boys. i didn't know why they were giggling so i just rolled my eyes because i got so annoyed.  i just walked at the end of the line and looking down at my feet.

suddenly all the giggling stopped and turning into groans and every single person's eyes were on me.

i look up and saw the 4 boys in front of me. the blond tall boy who was really attractive asked if they could ask me. i gave them a really confusing look.

then ashley said "why'd you pick her there is so many girls here and you choice her."

i rolled my eyes at her. "she's different." the asian one mumbled, I started to blush.

i brought my hands up to my cheeks so the wouldn't notice but then the blondie whispered in my ear "don't cover your cheeks you look cute when you blush."

why the fuck would he say that. i blushed and smiled. god he's so cute. snap out of it emma. i don't know anything about them i don't even trust them.

"okay everyone go back to your rooms except you emma." ms. lee said.

everyone groaned and purposely push or bump into me which caused me to fall to the ground, some people were mumbling terrible words at me and ashley just flipped me off.

curly and red head helped me up.  i just gave them a weak and fake smile.

"hi boys. you can sit down and talk to emma I'll go get you guys something to drink."

ms. lee said and she smirked at the blondie. blondie made a disgusting face while gagging as we all laughed.

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