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Emma p.o.v.

We're still in the car going to the mall.

Ashton is driving, Calum is taking a nap, Michael is playing on his phone and Luke is trying to braid my hair while I'm laughing at him

"We should introduce Emma on a twitcam." Luke mentioned still attempting to braid my hair.

"That's actually a really good idea." Ashton commented.

"Why don't we do it tomorrow then?" Luke questioned. I suddenly stiffen up what if I get more hate.

"Ya we should." Ashton clarified. "Is that okay Em?"

"Yes of course." I confirm but kind of nervous.

We parked at the mall parking lot.

"Guys we're here." Ashton announced.

"CALUM WE'RE HERE!" I scream in his ear.

"What the fuck." Calum cursed. We all started to laugh except Calum.

"We're here." I whisper in his ear.

"Ya I got that." Calum commented.

"At least there is no fans." Michael confirmed.

We all get out of the car.

"LET'S GET SHOPPING!" Michael cheered.

ding ding

"Whose that." Luke questioned.

All the boys started to stare at me. I checked my phone and saw a text from an unknown.

from unknown: Hi Emma this is Kaitlin.

"It's a text from Kaitlin." I clarified to the boys.

I unlock my phone and started to text her back.

to unknown: Hi Kaitlin!

I changed the name unknown on my phone to Kaitlin.

from Kaitlin: I was wondering do you want to hang out tomorrow.

"Guys can I hangout with Kaitlin tomorrow?" I ask the boys.

"Of course babe." Ashton approved.

to Kaitlin: Ya I would love to.

from Kaitlin: We could meet at the Starbucks next to Nandos were we met at around 3 o'clock?"

I look up to the boys who were on there phone as well.

to Kaitlin: Yes that is perfect meet you there! Bye.

from Kaitlin: Okay bye! See you there :)

"What did she say darling?" Calum spoke.

"Oh she wanted to meet at Starbuck at 3 o'clock to get to know each other. Is that okay for you guys" I explained.

"Oh ya of course that works. We should start shopping." Ashton exclaimed.

We first went to Forever 21.

"Ok babe anything you like just tell us and we will buy it ok?" Luke clarified. I didn't want to waste their money.

"But." I argued

"Emma no arguing." Michael spat.

Calum, Michael, and Ashton left so they would find clothes for me and Luke just stayed with me.

"Luke I don't want to waste your money." I groan.

"Just a friendly reminder we're famous Em. And you need clothes for tour. It's fine know just go shopping without arguing." Luke explains.

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