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Luke p.o.v.

Ashton was driving us to Kaitlin's house. I was so nervous. My hands were sweating and shaking. I was wearing skinny jeans, buttoned up shirt and a leather jacket.

"Luke stop shaking." Calum questions me.

"I can't I'm so nervous." I tell him.

"You like Emma don't you?" Ashton asked me.

I just give him a smile. Before we knew it we were at her house. I stepped out of the car and went to the front door. I pressed the doorbell and my hand was shaking. The boys were behind my. When the door opened I saw Kaitlin and a girl I didn't know but no Emma.

"Hello." I say to them.

"Hi guys." Kaitlin says. "This is Mia." She explains while pointing at her.

"Hi Mia." Calum commented while blushing. I could see Mia blushing to.

"Where's Emma at?" I question the girls.

"She's in the bathroom." Mia tells me.

We all were talking about some random stuff until I saw Emma standing in the hall way walking toward us.

She looked absolutely stunning. I noticed she changed her hair which looked beautiful. Her dress was perfect for her. My eyes grew larger and I couldn't speak.

I started to walk to her and could get a word out of my mouth.

"My g-god Emma. You l-look absolutely stunning." I tell her while stuttering."You don't look bad yourself." She tells me and I blush and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

All the boys walk up to us.

"You look really pretty. Especially the hair." Michael tells Emma. "Well you did say it would look pretty." Emma says and we all laugh.

"I can't believe my baby girl is going up so fast." Ashton says while hugging her.

"If Luke breaks your heart just tell me." Calum says while we all laugh.

"Shall we go?" I questions.

"Ya of course." She says while pecking my cheek.

When we get to the car I open door for her and gave her a quick kiss. I walked to my side of the car and went inside and started the car. I grab her hand and look into her eyes.

"I seriously can't explain how beautiful you are." I explain to her and she started to blush.

"Thanks Lukey. You look absolutely handsome. That leather jacket on you is such a turn on right know." She says while giving me a kiss.

I start backing the drive way and we both talked nonstop.

I thought I would bring her to a pricey, formal restaurant that over sees a beautiful view. After that we're going to go shopping for movies and food. Then we would go home and cuddle and watch a movie. I had a surprise that I'm going to do.

We finally reached the restaurant which took about 30 minutes.

"Luke isn't this place very expensive." She nervously says.

"Babe please don't think about the price." I command.

We walk in the restaurant."Hello do you have a reservation?" "Yes under Hemmings." I tell her politely.

"Please follow me." She says while I take Emma's hand.

"You have a small hand." I whisper into Emma's ear.

"No I don't you just have a big hand." She tries argue but we end up laughing.

"Here is your seat and your menus." She says while gesturing to the table.

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