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Michael p.o.v.

Calum, Ashton and I are at hanging out at Kaitlin's house while Luke and Emma are on their date.

"We should watch a movie?" I suggest.

"Ya let's do that." Kaitlin commented.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"You guys pick the movie and I'll get the snacks." I tell them.

"Okay just hurry up then." Calum groans.

I give them a smile and nod my head. Everyone walks to the living room while I walk to the kitchen and see Kaitlin behind me.

"S-sorry Kaitlin I d-didn't know you w-were there." I stutter while looking for food in the cabinets.

"It's okay. What are you looking for." She ask.

"Um just any junk food."

"Well they will be in the pantry." She says while pointing.

"Haha I knew that." I sarcastically say.

I walk to the pantry leaving Kaitlin stand. I get goldfish, fruit snacks, chips, and juice pouches from the refrigerator. I see Kaitlin struggling to open the popcorn. She looked so fucking cute.

"Kaitlin give it to me." I say while taking it away from her. I open it so easily.

"I could h-have done t-that." She stutters.

"Why are you stuttering?"

"Nervous I think." She says while looking down at her feet.

"Why are you nervous I've talked to you before." I say while putting the food on the counter.

"I don't know it just um..." I interrupt her my placing my lips onto hers.

I stop and started speaking "You're really cute when your nervous."

She doesn't say anything but her cheeks are bright red.

I pecked her lips again. " Kaitlin I just really want to tell you umm..."

"Hey guys what is taking so long." Calum says. "Oh sorry was interrupting anything?"

"Um no Calum but I couldn't find the food." I tell him while I look back at Kaitlin who was holding my hand.

"Okay just hurry up I'm fucking hungry." He groans and walks back.

I look back at Kaitlin and we start making out.

"Mikey you were telling me something what was it?" She says concerned.

"I um... Wanted to tell you that ireallylikeyou a lot." I mumble.

Kaitlin grabs my hand and kisses my lips. " I like you to so much it can't be explained."

"Kaitlin you know we're going on tour in 3 days right?" "Ya I do. Why?" "Well I wanted... To take you on a date before I leave. You don't have to say n-no if y-you don't want to."

"Michael Gordon Clifford I would love to." She says while pecking my cheek.

"We should get back before they worry about us." Kaitlin suggest and I take her hand and the food.

We walk back to the couch and started to watch the movies.

Kaitlin p.o.v.

Mikey and I were cuddling with on the couch while watching Pitch Perfect. Sometimes he would steal kisses.

Calum and Mia were like making out on the couch next to us. I felt really bad because Ashton was like somewhat third wheeling.

I really like Mikey but I'm so scared he will leave when he is on tour around the world. If we date he might cheat on me which I know he will never will. I'm just so scared I can't trust him.

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