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Emma p.o.v.

I walk into the bedroom Luke and I shared. Tears filled my eyes, I couldn't find my breathing rhythm. Something I wasn't planning on seeing and wishing I didn't see.

I saw Luke kissing another girl.

How could he. I thought he loved me. Maybe he only became my boyfriend because he felt bad about my past and i was a charity case. He never loved me. No one will ever love someone who cuts and who starves herself.

I walk into the bathroom and rummage through the cabinets and found what I needed. This time not razors,

bottles of bottles of pills

I uncap the top and took all the pills i could

I started getting dizzy and fell to the ground. About ten minutes later someone started talking. Did I not die. How come I didn't die. This isn't fair.

"Hello." I hear someone say but everything is still pitch black. "Who are you?"

"That is none of your concern Emma. But you only have 7 minutes until you die. You get to pick to be living on earth or dead."

"Why do I have 7 minutes?" I question her.

"Just come with me Emma." She gives me her hand to help me stand up. "Where are we going?"

"We are going to the boy's house and we will see what happened after you died." She explains. I did not know anything about her yet I'm following her.

We are back in Australia in Ashton's room. I give her a questioning look

"Look around his room and you might see something." I walk his room and saw a box right on his desk with nothing else around it.

I point to it and look at the her. She just nods here head. I open it and gasp. It couldn't be. He stopped along time ago. Why would he be cutting himself again. They're many different sizes of blades but mostly large and sharp blades.

"You are the reason why he is doing this Emma." I didn't say anything after because my mind was blank.

"Know lets go to Michael's room." I nodded in agreement. We walked into his room and saw him laying in bed with tears in his eyes. He looked so much smaller or a better word would be skinnier.

"He hasn't eaten since you died. Well he would just a little because Ashton would force him too. When he does eat he would have grapes or crackers but that's it." I choked on nothing because he would always eat everything not saying he's fat but he would love eating all types of food. But know he won't even pick up his favorite food. Why would he do this to himself.

"Calum's next." She cheers I just roll my eyes. Before we even got to his room I heard arguing.

"It's not your fault!" Someone yells but not quite getting the person's name. I walk in the room and saw Calum in tears while Mia is walking back in forth.

"I didn't even get to know her that much. I didn't spend time with her like a brother. She would always spend time with Luke or Ashton." He sobs. "And I hate myself for it." Mia walks up to him and places her hand on his knee. I never knew Calum thought that way.

"Calum but you aren't the reason why she did it okay." He rolls his eyes and lays in bed and Mia follows. "They've been fighting ever since you died. Calum is know depressed and Mia can't do anything about it. But Mia is know living with the boys to help them out while Kaitlin is doing the same." She explains.

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