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Calum p.o.v.

ding dong

I walk to the front door and to see Mia standing in the door way wearing flowy black shorts and a gray crewneck.

She looks so pretty even if she doesn't put any effort.

"Hi Mia. You look so pretty today." I tell her. "Thanks Cal."

We walk inside the house and I guide her to the living room.

"What should we do?" I ask her. "I don't actually care only if I'm with you."

I walk over to her and give her a hug. "God dammit why are you so cute."

She just shrugs her shoulder. I then got the best idea.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I scream.

"Wait what?" she gasp. "We should make cupcakes" I giggle.

"Oh My God did you just giggle?" she laughs.

"Maybe. But what do you think about cupcakes?" I look at her. " Ya of course." She responds.

We walk to the kitchen and I asked Mia to search the on the internet for a cupcake recipe. She was looking at her phone and she showed me a recipe for a vanilla cupcake.

"Should we do this or something else?" She clarified.

"I think we should do this one because it is easy. Just to let you know I'm not baker." I chuckle.

"I'm not either I'm just a hair stylist." She says and we laugh.

Mia gets the supplies out of the pantry and I get the things out of the refrigater and cabinets. We started making cupcakes and every know and then I would steal kisses.

"I'm actually surprised we did okay." I tell her while dipping my finger into the bowl and licked my finger.

"Cal it isn't baked yet so we don't know yet." She laughs. "Oh ya I knew that." I sarcastically say. She just gives me a kiss on my cheek for a responds.

While she was scooping the cupcake batter into the pan I wrapped my arms around her waist and started kissing her neck.

"God Cal you so cute. I'm going to miss you." She says while I'm still kissing her.

"I am too. What am I going to do without you for a year." I choke on my words.

"Please never forget me and always call me, text me, and Skype. I'm going miss you." she says and I saw tears fall from her face.

I make her turn around by placing my hand on her waist. I wipe the tears from her face.

"Babe please don't cry. There is a reason why I asked you out when I first met you." I say while still sipping her face.

"I didn't want any other guy to go after you when I was away. Mia I will never forget you in hundred years." I give her a kiss and the put my fingers in the bowl again to fast it.

"This is a damn good cupcake batter."I say while she starts laughing.

Mia started scooping the rest of the batter in the pan then I placed it in the oven. I placed a timer for the cupcakes so we don't burn them. I then heard screaming downstairs. I looked at Mia who got confused. We both saw Lexi stomping upstairs and then slammed the door.

"Should we see what is going on downstairs?" Mia suggest. "Ya we should." I give her a kiss on her forehead.

I grab her hand and walk downstairs to the game room and saw Ashton face is red while playing mario kart.

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