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Luke p.o.v.


I wake up and I rub my eyes. I look to the side of me and I didn't see Emma. I knew she was next to me after we got home. 

On the nightstand is Emma's phone. I grabbed it from the charger and unlocked it.

She was already used it because it was on Twitter. I then noticed she was reading hate. There was so much hate.

 I got so worried because she might have done something.

I ran as fast I can to the bathroom but it was fist came in contact with door multiple times but no one answered.

"CALUM! MICHAEL! ASHTON!" I yell as loud as I can. They start sprinting to bathroom were I was at.

"Get the fucking key for the door." I past at them. 

"What the hell is going on." Ashton ask. 

"Just get the key then I will tell you. Just please someone get the key." I say so fast.

 Michael nods his head and runs to the get the key. Tears were forming in my eyes.

Michael comes back with the key and I fumble to open the door.

I walk in to see Emma.

Emma was lying in the bathtub with bloody wrist. No she can't.

 "CALL THE AMBULANCE!" I sob at the boys. Calum get his phone out and dialed 000. 

While he was calling them. I took Emma out of the tub and dried her off.  Ashton was cleaning her off and Michael was getting her clothes from her room.

My eyes started to water. I was holding her and she was so light. 

"Please Emma." I sob. "Please stay with me." I wipe the tears off my cheeks. "You can't do this to me." I cried. 

All the boys eyes were red and they all looked so worried. 

We hear the door bell ring so Michael runs to the door and I stand up while holding Emma. I walk to the front door and saw the paramedics standing at the door.

 They take her away from me and bring into the ambulance. Ashton follows them so he would be with Emma. I would go with her but I could stay her seeing me like this.

I fall down on my knees and I start crying into my eyes. 

" Luke it is going to be okay." Calum says while patting my back. 

"How do you know it is." I spat.

 " Because it's Emma were talking about. She is the strongest girl I've met." I nod because I knew it was true.

"We should go know and see what is going to happen." Michael commented. We all nod because were too tired to even answer. We walk to the car in silence. 

"Luke do you know why she did it?" Michael says so quiet I could barely hear him. 

"She was reading hate again I think." I croak. 

"Oh okay. Don't you think we should talk to the fans about that." We all just nod. 

After 20 minutes we finally got to the hospital. I sprint out of the car and went to the front desk. "Hello how may I help you today?"

"Emma Irwin." Is all I say. She looks at the computer and looks back at me.

 "Sir, you are going to need to wait she is in a test but you may go to her room." Then Calum and Michael is know behind me. 

"Ya okay. What is her room number." I say quickly. "How are you related to Emma Irwin?"She ask politely. 

"We all adopted her. So she is our daughter " I groan. "Okay well she is in room seven, floor two."

"Thank you so much." I sprint upstairs before she could have answered back.

 I see Ashton sitting down on the chair next to the room the receptionist said. Michael and Calum were right behind me. I walk next to Ashton and sit next to him while Calum and Michael were looking around for food.

My hand were shaking and I kept tapping my. "Should we make a keek about this?" Ashton commented quietly.

"Ya we should but lets wait till Cal and Mikey come back."  I responded.

30 minutes later.

Calum and Michael came back with panda express. But we knew nothing about Emma. 

"We should do the keek know." Ashton suggest. "Ya okay." Tears were still in my eyes and I looked so tired. My hair was flat but I didn't give a fuck I only care if Emma is okay.

Ashton places his phone on a table with a plant behind it so it would be stable. We all looked terrible which I understand because we were all sleeping before all this happened.

I tweeted about the keek so many people can watch it.

 "Are you guys ready?" Calum ask us. "Ya I am. Let just get this over with" I commented.

Ashton pressed record.

"Hey guys." Ashton starts off with.

" We are going to make this quick." Calum says. 

"Please stop with the hate with Emma." Michael says after Calum.

"She has gone through many thing and know she is in the hospital because off it." Tear fell from my eyes. 

"Just think about it, how would you feel if you were in her position. " Calum commented.

"We don't even know if she is okay and it has been about 45 minutes know." Michael says quietly.

I started to break down in tears. Just thinking if she did died.

"Okay were going to know. Love you and please stop." Ashton finishes it off while rubbing his eyes.

We wait after the keek until the nurse comes out. "Emma Irwin." She says.

" Ya. What is going on and can we see her." I ramble.

"She had gotten stitches on her wrist, thigh, and stomach. She almost didn't make it but she we helped her right on time. You may go in side but she is sleeping." tears spilled out of my eyes when I heard she had to get stitches.

"Okay thanks." Calum, Michael,  and Ashton say but I just stare at the door where Emma was asleep.


Not going to update other chapters again. Hope you liked this chapter. I didn't know the area code for Australia if it is wrong please tell me.

I love you and have a great day.

Always smile because your beautiful.

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