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Emma p.o.v.

I wake up to see Luke staring at me.

"Okay Luke that is just creepy." I tell him while kissing his nose.

"I wasn't awake for long." He explains while rubbing my back.

"Ya sure." I giggle wrapping my arm around his body.

"Are we still up for the date today?" Luke ask while biting his lip.

That is such a turn on.

"I have a few questions so beware. Where are we going? What do I wear? What time should I get ready?" I giggle

"You're cute when you giggle." I started to blush.

"It's a secret. You should wear something formal like a dress. We will leave around 7:00." Luke says while pecking my cheek. "Iv'e gotta go to my room?" I just nod and peck his cheek.

I then had a great idea. I unplugged my phone from the charger.

The time says,


to Kaitlin: Hey Kaitlin do you want go shopping today? I'm going on a date with Luke today and I wanted you help.


from Kaitlin: Hi! Of course. I could pick you up anytime. I can't wait!

to Kaitlin: Yay! You could pick me up around 12 o'clock?

from Kaitlin: I'm so excited. See you then. Bye!

I run to Ashton's room and jump on his bed. Ashton shot right up from his bed. I started to laugh because he looked so confuse.

"Ash can I please go shopping with Kaitlin?" I say while pouting my face.

"Who could say no to that face." He chuckles.

"Thank you Ashton." I tell him while giving him a big hug.

I run out of the room before he could say anything. I grab a pair of high waisted shorts, Nirvana muscle tee and black converse. I walked to the bathroom at the end of the hall. I changed my clothes, then brushed my teeth, washed my face, added a few coats of mascara and chapstick.

beep beep

I check my phone words like,





and so much more words.

Showed up on my phone. I thought the hate stopped. Tears were in my eyes and I started to cry.

"Emma are you okay? I heard crying." Calum ask outside the bathroom room.

"Uh. Ya i-im fine." I lied again but know to Calum.

"Oh okay well Kaitlin is outside in the living room. You better hurry Michael can't get enough." He chuckles and then I understood what he meant.

I let out a small laugh. "Okay I'm almost done." I tell him.

I look in the mirror and just try not the hate get to me today. I fix my mascara and walk out the bathroom confident. I first say goodbye to the boys. I see Michael and Kaitlin making out.

"Um... Well hello." I said to them because I had no idea what to do.

"Oh sorry Emma. We should get going." She says while I let out a small chuckle.

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