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Emma p.o.v.

We all were piled into the van. Calum and Mia all the way in the back off the car. Michael and Kaitlin in the second row. While Ashton, Luke and I sat in the first row.

I wanted to look on Twitter but I don't have the app on my phone because the boys deleted all my social media. But all the boys had the app on their phone.

"Lukey can I use your phone real quick?" I whispered.

"Ya of course." He hands me his phone from his pocket. "Thanks Luke." He kisses my cheek and gets back to talking to Calum.

I unlock his phone and went on Twitter. There were many tweets on his notification. I pressed on the first tweet I saw on Luke's notifications.

"Hey you can't be on twitter." Michael spats from behind me. Everyone stopped talking and turned there attention to me. "Emma give Luke his phone back." Ashton demands.

"But..." I couldn't finish because Luke took his phone from my hands. "Luke please." I groan.

"No Emma you can't be on Twitter and you know that." Luke explains. I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I mumble.

Everyone gets back to talking to each other but Luke was just staring at me. "What do you want." I groan. "Emma babe we're only doing this for you. We hate when you always sad. And if you see any hate on twitter it will just upset you. Please just go with it okay?"

"Yeah okay." I mumble. Luke's cold lip ring was brought to my lips. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." Trying to stop myself from blushing.

The whole day we were just visiting places around Liverpool. We went to Pier Head and Walker Art Gallery. We didn't get to go to The Beatles Story because it was closed. I was pretty upset but I could deal with it.

"This is beautiful." I gasp while looking at the art wall. everyone went there separate ways except Luke which he was giggling. "Why are you laughing?" I question with a stern look.

"Nothing you're just really cute." He chuckles and kisses my lips. I roll my eyes and keep walking down the hall. "Oh my god this is so stunning."

"Yeah she is." I hear Luke say. I look to him and saw him looking at me. "Okay that was cheesy Luke." I roll my eyes.

Luke takes my hand and we walked down all the halls and saw many beautiful paintings and sculptures. After a while of walking Luke asked "What time is it?"

I took my phone out of my pocket and told him it was 12:53. Luke then suggest that we call everyone to get lunch. I just shrugged because I wasn't very hungry.

Luke and I walked to the van where we were meeting. We saw everyone was already siting in the seats. Luke sat in the middle and I sat on the window seat.

The driver took us to a cafe. It looks really tumblr. Cactus plants, candles, turn table, fairy lights and many many vinyls. I've always wanted a turn table when I was younger but never got to it. We took a seat where the waiter showed us.

"So how did you like the art museum?" Ashton asked me. "All the paintings and statues are very pretty." I tell him.

I'm not very into paintings. My patience would be from one to one hundred if I tried to paint. I'm more into music. Not singing but playing instruments. I would play the guitar, piano, bass and the drums but I stopped when my brother died. I have totally forgot about my brother and my mom the past week. Why would I do that! Why would the boys make me forget about them.

"Umm Emma?" Ashton snaps his finger in front of my face. Everyone was looking at me with worried faces. I didn't know I spaced out. The demons and monsters came back with the words I've been trying to avoid.







I grab my hair and start pulling at it. "Get out!" I scream. Tears where coming out. "Emma!" Luke yells pulling my hands away from my hair.

I sob onto Luke's band t-shirt. Ashton was rubbing my back while telling Calum we will just take out the food and go back to the hotel. Michael said that he will call the driver.

"Emma baby, what happened?" Luke ask worryingly.

"I u-uh I was thinking of my brother and m-my mom. T-then someone was talking and I-i didn't know who." I explain. Everyone stopped talking.

"W-what do you mean someone was talking?" Kaitlin asked. "T-the demons and m-monsters." I sob. "They came back."

"When do you usually get it?" Michael says. "C-can we g-go to the hotel and then I'll tell you?" I question.

Luke nods and picks me up from the chair and carries be bridal style. "I c-can walk." I say with no emotions showing. Luke chuckles and presses his lips to mine and places me in the car while everyone was inside already.

Calum and Mia were holding the food in the back and it smelt amazing. I'm so hungry. No! I'm fat I won't eat.

The ride to the hotel was dead silent. Luke would kiss my lips know and then. Everyone walked into the hotel while Luke was still carrying me.

What happened if he thought I was fat and heavy. "Um... Luke you can stop carrying me know I can walk." Before he could answer I tried to get out off Luke's arm but it didn't go out very well. "Luke please just let go I'm to heavy for you." I exclaimed.

Luke looks into my eyes with water building up. "Emma please stop. Stop thinking like that. You are not fat. Do you know who you are?" I shake my head no. "You are my everything. You always make me smile, laugh, happy all those happy thoughts. Emma just please. We are all here to help." He explains while leaving a soft kiss on my cheek and I just sighs.

When we got to the hotel room Luke brought me to the couch. "Can you tell us what happened?"  Michael ask.

"Uh..." I felt Luke's hand on my knees to comfort me which worked out very well. "I was just thinking about the paintings which led to music. Then I remembered I stopped because of m-my brother. Then I forgot about my family." I let out quite sobs. "When Ashton said something I didn't know I spaced out. Then the talking came back." I explain.

"Who are talking?" Michael questions. "T-the m-monsters and d-demons." I stutter a lot.

"When was the first time you heard the talking?" Calum questions. "I... Umm... W-when b-brother died." I swallow a big lump. 

"When was the last time it happened?" Luke asks worriedly. "Umm the day before you adopted me." I explain.

I feel so useless right know. We were supposed to roam around Liverpool but I mess it up as usual. I had to have a panic attack. If I weren't thinking about music none of this will happen. Like what is even the point of living right know. I feel so weak. My head is pounding. I'm so tired of crying. Or even living.

They all just nod their heads. "I think we should eat know." Michael jumps in to break the awkward silence. "Yeah that is a great idea." Calum says.

"Luke I'm really tired can I just sleep?" I question while everyone was standing up except Luke. "Yeah of course but right when you wake up you have to have lunch." He explains I just shrug not knowing what to say.

Luke takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom. "Get a good rest baby. When something happens call us we will be outside the room." Luke explains. 

He gives me a peck on the lip and we both said our 'I love you's' to each other. When he left I went to my suitcase and got joggers and an oversized t-shirt that I took from Luke's closet and changed into them and crawled into the bed Luke and I shared.

My eyes start to flutter close,

Why can't my life just be perfect.

This is such a terrible chapter. I was stuck on this chapter for about 2 weeks know. I'm really sorry I couldn't update. Every time I try to write I would have writers block and for some reason I would start crying. I will make it up to you I promise.

Have a wonderful day and smile because your beautiful.

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