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Emma p.o.v.

Today is the day. The day the the boys, Kaitlin, Mia and I are going on a plane to Liverpool England.

 I wake up to see Luke laying next to me spooning me. I lean over the bed to check the clock which says 8:07. We are leaving the house around 9:00 because the boys have to say goodbye to there parent at the airport which may cause lots of crying. My wrist is still in pain but not that much.

I give Luke a kiss on his cheek. Then I rose from the bed and walked downstairs to the living room. I saw Ashton sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Good morning Ash." I say while walking over to him.

"Hello Em. How are you feeling?" Ashton ask.

"I'm feeling better but my wrist is in little pain." I explain.

He pats a spot next to him on the couch. I then made my way and sat down.

"Emma please never do that ever again. I thought I lost you. You should have seen Luke he cried the most and he is the one who found you Emma. I love you Emma remember that. We all do." He cries. 

I never seen Luke or any other off the guys cry till what happened.

"Thank you Ash and I love you too." I give him a hug.

"Should we wake up the boy? We're leaving in an hour." Ashton explains.

"Ya sure. I'll wake up Luke and call the girls to meet us at our house. You wake up Calum and Michael." I tell him and he gives me a thumbs up.

I walk upstairs to my room were Luke was sleeping. I turned the door knob quietly and saw Luke all snuggled up with a stuffed penguin a fan gave him. 

I made my way to Luke's side of the bed and choice to call the girls first but I didn't have my phone with me right know so I took Luke's. I opened it and saw a bunch of messages on Twitter.

@Haha.hemmo: Watch 5sos keek. Please stop all the hate. Do it for the guys.

@Wtf.5sos: Guys just do it for the boys. They look so sad.

@ImLukeAf: The boys all looked so sad. Watch there newest keek.

@Canlukenot: Why is Luke crying. What happened to Emma?

What was the keek. I then unlocked the phone and went on there the app keek and saw the newest video.

Please stop the hate.

I clicked on it and saw all four boys at the hospital. Their voices sounded weak and tired. Their eyes were bloodshot especially Luke's. He looked so tired and he looked like he was crying a lot. I replayed the video and tears came running down my cheeks onto my lap.

"Em?" I turn around and saw Luke looking at me.

"Ya sorry?" I say while he was wiping the tears from my cheek. "Why are you crying?"

I show him his phone which had the video. He gives me a hug and takes his phone and places it on the nightstand.

"I'm sorry Luke. I didn't know you guys would get so hurt. I thought you would be happier if I was gone. I just felt so alone at the time." I explain to Luke.

"You have nothing to say sorry off. You are my everything Em. If you ever feel alone come too one of us boys are even Kaitlin and Mia. I love you so much." He kisses my cheek the my lips. I give him a hug.

"Go get ready were leaving in thirty minutes I've got to call the girls." I chuckle. He kisses my lips and smile then walks to his room. 

But he leaves his phone for me to use. I call the girls and told them to come to our house. 

When I was done I went to my closet and got leggings and a crewneck and moccasin. I got dresses and gathered my hair into a ponytail. I didn't put any makeup on because I don't give a shit. 

When I was I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walked to my room and double checked all the things for tour. My clothes, makeup, shoes, jewelry, charger, macbook, and other things

When I was hundred percent done with everything it was 8:46. I walked out my room with my suitcase. Kaitlin and Mia were in the living room while the boys were still getting ready.

"Hi. Are you excited?" I walk over to the couch leaving my suitcase at the front door.

"Hi Emma. And yas!" Kaitlin says while Mia nods her head in agreement.

We talked the whole time till the boys were done. The boys all walks into the living room.

"Good morning are you all ready?" Ashton ask. We all nod and stand up from the couch.

"We will be getting breakfast at the airport." Calum explains. "Let's get going." Luke finishes while grabbing my hand and tangled his fingers into mine.

We all go into the black van and placed all of our suitcase in the back. We all talk when someone I didn't know was driving. When we got there I saw all the boys parents and there was no fans. I kinda got nervous know that I'm Luke's girlfriend what happened if they don't like me.

The boy's parents come up to me and we just start talking. They were saying to take care off the boys. I don't think Luke told his parents yet which I was glad. When the guys finished talking to their parents. I saw tears rushing down there faces. 

I miss my mom so much I wish she was still here and my brother. They waved goodbye and we headed to security and did all the things we had to do. When we got inside we found a McDonalds so we went there.

"Hello what may I get you today?" I guy said while staring at me which got me uncomfortable. 

I looked up at Luke who had his hands in a fist and his face was red. I kissed his lips so he can calm down. We started making out at McDonald's.

"Guys." Ashton say while snapping his fingers. I start blushing and Luke wraps his arm around my waist.

"Um I'll just get a bowl of fruit." I look up to Luke who is looking at the menu.

"I'll get a strawberry smoothie with sausage mcmuffin." He kisses my cheek. The boys, Mia and Kaitlin already orders will we were making out.

We waited in our terminal while eating. Until they called our plane number. We threw our trash away and went inside the plane and found our seats. I sat in between Ashton and Luke.

"Luke I forgot to tell you something." Whisper in his ear. He looks to me. "What is it?"

"I-i have anxiety when we fly." I explain. He grabs both side of my cheeks and pecks my lips.

"It is going to be all good. Where here next to you." He explains and gives me a hug.

The plane start to take off. My hands start to shake and I couldn't breath. Ashton and Luke looks worried. Ashton looks in the front pocket and found a brown bag and he gave it to me. I started to breath into it. After five minutes my breathing pattern became normal.

"Are you good?" Ashton say. " Ya I am." Luke was rubbing my back for comfort.

I yawn on how tired I am. "Em go to sleep I'll wake you up when we're in Liverpool." Luke kisses my cheek and I nod.

Luke raises his arm rest and makes me lay my head on his legs.

My eyes start to close while he was playing with my hair. After 10 minutes of trying to sleep my eyes completely shut closed.


Hope you like this chapter. I have three chapters done for my next book. When I finish this book I will be publishing all chapters. I have so much good ideas for my next two books. I'm so excited.

Have a wonderful day and I vote for this chapter if you want.

Smile because you're beautiful. :-)

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