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Emma p.o.v.

"We're here!" Michael screams in my ears.

I rub my eyes. "Shit" I look around and see were in the car.

"Shut the fuck up dickhead." Calum spat.

"Sorry Emma I thought you were just closing your eyes." He says while laughing.

I roll my eyes and smack the back of his head.

"Ow shit that fucking hurt." He says while rubbing his head

"STOP SWEARING!" I hear Ashton yells at us.

"We're are we at?" I questioned.

"NANDOS!" Michael yells.

"What is Nandos?" I question.

"What the fuck you don't know what Nandos is?" He says surprised.

"No I don't." I tell him.

"Okay let's go!" Michael says while grabbing my hand.

"Babe, Nandos is a really good restaurants that Niall from One Direction showed us when we went on tour with them." Luke explains


"Wait I thought I told you." He chuckles.

"Well apparently not Hemmings." Calum says to Luke.

"Let's eat I'm starving I haven't eaten since this morning." Ashton groans.

"You like..." I hear Calum say something to Luke but couldn't hear him finish because Michael takes my hand and starts running to the door.

We take a seat and I look through the menu I just frown I'm not really hungry.

"Darling you have to eat something you know that right." Calum says to me.

"Can you order for me I don't know what to get?" I explain to him.

"Of course babe!"

"Why don't we get 2 whole chicken so we can just share!" Luke asked.

"Ya that's a good idea." Ashton says cheerfully.

"Hello my name is Kaitlin and I'm going to be serving you today. Would you like anything to drink." She says while smirking at Luke.

Luke just rolls his eyes and looks at me. While having his arm around my waist.

"Coke." Calum says.

"Sprite." Luke says while looking at me.

"Stop staring." I whisper in his ear

Michael laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Orange Fanta." Michael says

"Can I also have coke." Ashton says politely.

"What can I get you my dear." She says while rolling her eyes at me.

"Can I just get water please." I say looking at my hands.

"Okay I'll be back with your drinks then I'll get your order." She says before leaving.

"God Luke she was totally flirty with." Ashton says

I suddenly stiffen up.

"No she wasn't she was just being friendly."

"Whatever you say Luke." Calum murmurs

Then Kaitlin comes back with our drinks. She places the drinks on the table and I see a piece of paper on Luke's drink but ignore it because the waiter is still here.

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