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Emma p.o.v.

We drove someone I had no idea were. We weren't talking at all but I did not feel bored.

 Every few minutes he would bring my hand to his lips and kiss my knuckles which was so fucking cute.

"We are here." Luke tells me.

 I look out the window to see a hill and a beautiful sunset. There is no one here which is good.

"This is so beautiful. How did you know about this?" I question Luke.

"Well when I get mad or upset I drive here and just sit and watch the sunset." He explains.

"You're so cute Luke." I kiss his cheek.

 "Not as cute as you babe. Lets get going." I nod.

Luke grabs the basket before I do so I just take the blanket. We walk up the hill while holding hands. I unfold the blanket and spread it on the grass.

"This is such a beautiful view." I look at the sunset. 

"Not as beautiful as you babe." He kisses my lips.

"Luke that is so cheesy." I chuckle.

"Can we eat I'm so hungry." He groans.

 "Of course." I say while taking the basket and pulling out the sandwich and all the food I brought.

I give the sandwich to Luke. He takes a bite and I watch him like a stalker.

 "Why are you staring at me?" Luke says with a mouth full or food.

"I don't know." I say shyly. He looks at me. "Babe what is wrong?"

"I just ask my self how I got this lucky." I say while cuddling next to him and opening the ziploc bag. 

"Em i think it should be the other way around. That is all I think about." Luke says while bringing his lips to mine which I do the same to give him a small kiss.

"I love you so much." He say quietly.

"I love you more." I tell him.

"Impossible." He chuckles.

The rest of the time we just ate the food and watching the sunset.

"I could stay here and never get bored." I explain to Luke.

" Same. I love you so much I can never get annoyed saying it." He says while kissing my cheek.

"I love you too." I say again.

Michael p.o.v.

I was driving to Kaitlin's house to go on the date. When I got to her house I walked to the front door and knocked. 

The door opened and saw Kaitlin wearing high waisted shorts and a crop top. She looked so beautiful. 

"Hello Mikey?" Kaitlin said and I didn't know I spaced out. 

"Sorry you just look stunning." I say shyly.

 "You're so cute Mikey." She says while giving me a hug.

I smile. "Are you ready." She just nods and I peck her lips.

When we got in the car I saw Kaitlin playing with her hands and she looked nervous. 

"Kaitlin are you okay." I ask nervously.

"Ya I'm just nervous I guess." She says shyly.

"There's nothing to be nervous about." I say while kissing her lips.

"Thanks Mikey. Were are we going?" She looks up at me.

"Were going to a pizza parlor because its our favorite food." We both laugh.

"Then we can get ice cream and then go to a hill and watch the stars. If thats okay or we can do something else." I rant.

"Mikey that sounds  perfect." She says while grabbing my hands and tangling her fingers into mine.

We talk the whole time till we got to the pizza parlor. 

When we were at the restaurant Kaitlin looked at her phone and her smile turned into a frown. I got scared, I knew there was something wrong.

"Kaitlin what is wrong?" I asked nervously.

"Umm... I'll tell you later so I don't ruin the date." She responds shyly. I just nod my head.

We walk into the restaurant and sat at the table. We looked at the menus and talked until the waiter came.

"Hello my name is Joe. Are you ready to order?" He says while looking at Kaitlin which got me really mad.

"Ya." Kaitlin and I say in sync. "Okay what would you like."

"May I get a cheese pizza." Kaitlin says. "Yas of course. What would you like mate."

"I'll get a pepperoni pizza." I growl. 

"Okay the pizza will be out soon." He says while smirking at Kaitlin and walking away. My face turned red and my hands turned into a fist. 

Kaitlin places her hands on top of mine to calm me down. "Babe?"

"Yas Kaitlin?" I look up at her. "What is wrong?" She commented.

"Did you not see how that guys looked at you?" I groan. "Babe it is fine okay just ignore it."

"Ya okay. I'm so sorry I just ruined the date because I got jealous. God what the fuck is wrong with me." I rant.

"Michael look at me." She says while placing her hands on my chin and made me look at her. 

"You did not ruin anything. The only thing I care abut is if I'm with you." She explains. 

My frown turn into a smile and I give her a kiss on the lips. Joe was standing at the end of the table and we didn't even notice.

"Here is you pizza." He says while placing the plates in front of us. "Thanks." I say while looking at Kaitlin. 

We ate our pizza while talking about random things and about the tour. When we finished eating I payed for the bill and we walked to the car. I drove the car to Baskin n Robins. 

I ordered cookies and cream and Kaitlin ordered rocky road ice cream. 

We walked to a hill and watched the beautiful sunset while eating our ice cream. 

"This sunset is beautiful. Thank you so much for an amazing night Mikey." She says while cuddling next to me.

"Your welcome Kaitlin. This is a night I'm going to remember." I say while kissing her cheek. "I'm really going to miss you when I'm on tour." 

"Ya I am too. You have to call and Skype me and please never forget me." She says shyly. "How can I forget someone with a beautiful face." I respond. She smile and kisses my cheek. 

"I like you so much." I kiss her lips

"I like you too Mikey and only you." She says while giving me a hug.



Sorry I haven't updated. Somewhat a filler. I not really in the mood to do anything to be honest. I've been crying the past 3 days. But I promise I'll try to update more. Tomorrow I'm going to update an Ashton and Calum point of view.

Hope you like this update and have a wonderful day and always smile because your beautiful.

instagram: shayforym

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