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Michael p.o.v.

Calum, Ashton and I are playing Fifa not know where Luke was. He would usually be awake by know.

"Do you know were Luke and Emma are at?" I questioned.

"Well I think Emma is still sleeping she did have a rough day yesterday. But I don't know where Luke is." Calum answers.

"I'm going to check his room." Ashton tells us while standing up. "Are you coming?"

"I didn't know we were supposed to follow you." I sassed.

"Come on you asshole." Calum says while slapping the back of my head.

"Ugh fine." I say while rolling my eyes.

We all walked in a line upstairs to the kitchen and living room.

"Well he is not here." I exclaimed.

"Let's go check his room he might be sleeping." Ashton continues.

I sprint to his room and started to bang on his door. No one answered.

"Let's just walk in." Calum says.

"What if Emma and Luke are like you know." I say to the the boys.

"What the hell Michael you've got to be joking!" Ashton snapped.

"Whatever let's go." Calum says.

I turn the knob and sprinted to his bed


I look to the boys.

"He is not here." We all looked confused.

"Maybe he's in Emma's room." Calum questioned.

Emma p.o.v.

"Aw they're so cute!" I hear in the background.

There was an arm around my waist. I didn't know who's arm it was though which got me creeped out a bit.


I rose from the bed and look up to see the boys except Luke. I then noticed it was Luke's arm. The boys were giggling and taking pictures.

"LUKE!" I yell in his ear.

"What is going on Emma?" Luke mumbles while the rest of the boys giggle.

"Umm why are you here?" Luke question the boys

"Well we were trying to find you. You weren't in your room so we thought you would be in here." Michael explains.

"You guys were all nuzzled up it was so cute and we had to take pictures." Ashton points out.

I started to blush and hide my face into Luke's neck. The guys just started to laugh and took more pictures.

"Emma how are you feeling?" Calum asked.

"Im doing much better. Thanks for asking."

"Love, you know were going on tour in 5 days right?" Ashton stated.

"Yes I do know that. Why?" I ask them nervously.

"Well we got to go shopping for your clothes today, is that okay?" He explains.

"Ya of course." say quietly.

"Okay we will leave in about an hour so get ready." Ashton commanded.

They boys walk out for us to get ready while Luke is playing with my hair.

"Em can you make me pancakes please." Luke says while making puppy dog eyes.

"Ok sure. Just go get ready then I'll make the pancakes when I'm done changing." I groan.

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