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Emma p.o.v.

I woke up and saw Luke sleep so peaceful next to me. I always wonder how I got so lucky and tomorrow is when we fly to England for the boys first show.

I took my phone from the charger and unlocked it. My phone doesn't have a password I do see a point on having one. I tapped my finger on Twitter I knew I shouldn't but I wanted to.

There were pictures of Luke and I during the picnic and our first date. But how did they get the pictures off the picnic there was no one there we were all alone.

I just ignored it and kept scrolling on my phone. I started to see a a bunch of hate. Water was forming in my eyes.; Why does Luke even stay with her. Luke should know that Emma is using him for money.

@dumb5sos; Oh my god she looks so fat. Starve bitch.

@Just.calum; Emma looks so hideous. She thinks so pretty when she dyed her hair but guess what she isn't.

@Hemmo.idk; You can see on Emma's wrist there are scars [picture attachment]. She is such an attention whore.

@5sos.omg; You should kill yourself. You worthless slut.

"Maybe I will." I mumble so quietly

Tears were spilling out of my eyes. I pull the covers off and stood up from the bed. Trying to be quiet so I don't wake up Luke. I leave my phone on the nightstand.

I sprint to the bathroom because I was know sobbing and Luke could have heard me. I closed the door quietly behind me.

I turned the knob on the cold water for the bathtub. Water starts falling out of the tub and smashed into the bathtub. When it got full to the top I turned the knob to shut it off.

I look through the cabinets and found what I needed.

My best friend, my blade.

I undressed and stepped into the bathtub.

There is no one who can save me know.

I lean back and my teeth started to chatter on how cold the water is. I brought the blade against my wrist and started to slash open my skin.

Skin was ripped apart from each other and blood was gushing out of my wrist. I did the same for my thighs and stomach. Everything started to go black. I felt dizzy.

I dropped the blade and heard a small thud.

"What is the point of living if you don't want to live?"


Small update but I didn't want any other point of view on this update. I might make another chapter today. Which means 3 updates in one day. Yay

Hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day.

Always smile because your beautiful.

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