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Third Person p.o.v.

The boys finished there tour. There were ups and down through the tour but in the end they were all happy.

Ashton found a girl named Lily. They met because of One Direction. They were dating for three months but when they where at a party Ashton found Lily in a bedroom with a guy who was not him. Typical I know right. Ashton was devastated when he saw Lily. Ashton loved her so much. He would do anything for her but she threw all those memories out the door. After of moping around he decided to forget about her and try to do something to get rid off her in his mind. Everyone helped Ashton and Michael thought of going to a pet shop just for fun. Ashton loved the idea so he agreed.

When they all got to the pet store everyone separated with everyone except Michael, Kaitlin and Ashton. When Ashton was walking around the store he bumped into a beautiful girl. Her name was Bryana. She had stunning brown eyes and her blond hair was all the way to her waist. Ashton said sorry and all those. They were talking for awhile till they had to leave. Ashton loved talking to her. She made him forget everything around him. Ashton of coursed asked for her number. They were texting for about a month or two until he finally had the guts to ask her out and too become her girlfriend. Ashton and Bryana have been dating for three months and those three months Ashton was finally back to being happy.

Calum and Mia was happy at the end off the tour. They would constantly fight about stupid and useless things such as why Calum would never talk to Mia. Why Mia was always on her phone not paying attention to Calum at all and those things. They both thought they were both cheating on each other. They where on the verge of breaking up. But everyone convinced them that would just make everything worse. They both didn't want it to happen but Mia was just tired of all the fighting.

One time Calum took Mia on a surprise date. He took her to dinner on the ocean. It was so beautiful. Fairy lights where dangling from each corner. Flowers around the table. Mia loved it. She almost started crying that was how much she loved it. When they finished eating Calum stood up from his seat and went down on one and took out a ring from his pocket. Mia gasped and started crying.

But Calum told her that they are not getting married yet. It was just a promise ring. One day they will get married even if they fight constantly. Calum wanted to wait for a while because they both are still very young. Calum is nineteen while Mia is about to turn nineteen in about two months. Mia loves the ring it fit perfectly and it was so her style. They both still love each other even if they fight, they both care for each other so much.

After a couple of months later Michael and Kaitlin weren't having the best relationship. Kaitlin broke up with Michael because he saw him cheating on her. Well that was what she thought. Michael didn't have time to explain. He was forced to kiss a fan. Kaitlin left to Australia right when she broke up. No one had time to say goodbye because she left while the 5sos boys were performing.

When Michael found out he was crying for weeks. When he calmed down he became depressed, he wouldn't leave his room but when he does it would only be when they perform. Michael wasn't even happy performing and the fans were so worried. Kaitlin would always text Emma what is going on in her and the boys' life. Emma would tell Kaitlin that Michael would never leave his room, he wouldn't eat anything and the boys couldn't do anything about it. When Kaitlin got those texts she was upset but mostly at herself because she was the person to cause all this. She decided that she was going back to America to see Michael.

When Kaitlin opened the door she saw Michael laying in his bed crying. He told her "Ashton go away." He just doesn't know it was Kaitlin. When Michael found out it was Kaitlin he jumped out off the bed and gave her a big hug. He started crying so much harder and saying that he was sorry, that she came onto him. Kaitlin forgave him but they weren't together yet.

They spent everyday together and Michael made it up every day she wasn't here. After at least four months after she came back Michael finally decided to ask her out again. He just took her to a diner because Kaitlin never liked a big date. That was when Michael asked. Kaitlin wasn't surprised at all because she knew that he was going to do it someday. But she did say yes of course. Kaitlin helped Michael go back to his ideal weight. They were both happy.

Luke and Emma didn't have anything bad happen. Luke was always there for Emma when she needed him. Luke never did anything bad for them to be mad. Emma didn't either. But one day Emma relapsed because of all the hate. She couldn't handle it anymore. Everything was all gathered together and she had to release them. Luke wasn't disappointed nor mad. Mad would get him know where. But when Luke found out he would always be there for her the past month. He did not leave her side they would do everything together. Relapsing is part of recovery.

Luke loves Emma. He would do anything for her. He would also take a bullet for her. Luke did not cheat her on her, would not hurt her, would not get mad at her even if he wanted to. But he knew Emma was fragile if something bad happens she would break down and Luke understood that.

Emma was getting happy slowly. The boys and Kaitlin and Mia helped her get better slowly and she was grateful for them being there for her especially Luke. Emma was falling so hard for Luke. When he bites his lip, when he pulls his sleeves over his hands when he is nervous, when he rubs his eyes when he is tired, when he would be protective. She was happy that Luke and the boys weren't like all people she met. He wouldn't leave like her dad. She would get some hate but not as much when they adopted Emma. Emma was finally happy and this time she wasn't faking it.

How could you think just by getting adopted by a band called 5 seconds of summer could change everything around. Find something or someone that makes you happy and don't let it go. Happiness will not come out because you want it you have to go and find it. Dreams do not come true you have to make it come true. Emma Irwin was finally happy and she loves herself because of a band called,

5 seconds of summer.


Holy crap my first book is done like what even! I am know writing a book called Hair Dye. I am almost done with the first chapter but I will be writing the whole book till I publish it.

You should know that you are beautiful and you mean the world to me. Please always talk to me I will be there for you even if we don't know each other. I've been through the things I wish I wasn't. But I'm getting happy slowly. Writing helps me calm down. It feels like I could let everything out while writing and I love the feeling of it.

You guys are making my day just by reading this book! I wouldn't think I would get 2,000 reads. Like what! I just wrote this book out of boredom and I love reading books like this and thought I could make one but I wouldn't think anyone would read this. I remember when I reached 100 reads and I was so happy but know I have 2,000.

Thank you so much for all the support. I love you so much.

Keep smiling because your smile is beautiful. Always stay strong.

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