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Emma p.o.v.

- trigger warning - 

curly asked if we wanted to play 20 questions. i just nodded and gave him a smile. they just asked me random questions like favorite color, favorite animal, favorite food, favorite band which we had tons in common, and those stuff

until blondie asked me a question that i wish he didn't.

"why do you wear a lot of bracelets?"

i suddenly stiffen up and started to frown until i said "fashin i guess."

"oh ok." blondie says i can tell he knows im lying.

" i don't even know your guys' names!"

"oh ya we totally forget well im ashton." Curly says. " im luke " the blond hair said.

"im bob!" red head says. everyone starts laughing but I don't even crack a smile. "im actually michael." "and im calum, and if you are thinking im asian i am not ! "

i start laughing and so does the rest of the boys. ms. lee walks in with 5 cups of water and she hands them to us. she sits down and then starts talking.

"just to let you know she has a really shitty life so i don't know why you picked her. her dad would always abuse emma. her brother di..."

"please stop ms. lee." i so quietly, trying not to think about the past. i am seriously on the verge to cry right know. the guys just stare blankly at me.

"no you shut up they need to know the truth. i don't understand why they pick you, they could have chosen ashley. okay sorry let me continue, she is always in her room crying and she always so depres..."

before i know it small tears has escaped. i run upstairs to go right to the bathroom. i look through the cabinets and there it is I found it. my best friend.

my razor.

"would this really be the best idea? I have been clean for so long. fuck it." i say quietly to myself.

i break the razor to get the blade out. I take off all my bracelet. i slit my wrist a few times but not to deeps . i see a few blood drip from my wrist. i turn around to see calum standing next to the door. he ran to me a gave me a tight hug. calum helped me clean up. he saw the blade in my hand and took it away from. then before I know it he threw the blade in the toilet, and pulled the handle to flush the blade. i started to cry as he tries to comfort and wipe my tears away.

"calum please don't tell anyone please." I whimper.

"emma I won't tell anyone but you have to promise me something."

"never hurt yourself ever again. babe I know your going through a lot but the boys and I will help you through it ok." he whispers in my ear while hugging me. i can see tears are forming in his eyes. dang it i made him cry. way to go emma.

"calum i- i promise." i say quietly as possible.

calum wipes my wrist with a towel and wraps my wrist with bandages. i take a sweatshirt from my closet and put it on so the other boys don't see it.

"thank you calum."

"no problem babe we're always going to be here if you need us. just remember that. "

i nod and give him a tight hug. i see the boys at the door, and give them a weak smile. they all run up to me and started to hug me. michael gives me a weak smile before saying "emma would you like to come home with us love?"

"im pretty sure you don't want me." i say like i had no emotions left.

"why wouldn't we want you darling?" luke says, his voice is so calming, i could listen to him talking all day. wow emma thats weird stop.

"because you know the real me, im fucked up." i sighed.

"sweetie you didn't fuck up and you are not a fuck up okay." ashton says as he gives me a hug.

"would you like to come home with us emma?" luke repeats the question.

i nod and smile up to the boys. they all start cheering. then they try to dance, that didn't go very well.i tried not to laugh at them.

"okay enough off that." michael groans.

"ill get the papers signed. calum and michael come with me and luke help emma pack her stuff." ashton says

i nodded and turn to luke.

"i don't have that much stuff so it won't take as long." i say shyly.

he smiles while nodding his head and i take him to my room. he looks around to see all the posters. "you like all the same band as me!" he says while looking at the posters in my room, I smile. "im going to turn on music. music just lightens up my mood" I shyly as he gives me a big smile and nods. he is so cute.

i pick up my phone and go to the music radio and pressed on the first one I saw. it said amnesia ive never heard of the song but it was really good. I can hear luke humming in the background i look at luke who was smiling at me and i got confused.

i glanced at my phone on the album cover and saw 4 familiar faces.

calum, ashton, michael, and luke !

5 seconds of summer.

i don't really know anything about the band, i just know there really famous and those shit. i gasped so loud.

"a-are you-u 5 s-seconds of s-summer?" i ask luke who is singing to amnesia.

"surprise!" he says so cheerfully.

"oh my god how did I not know that... im so stupid." i say looking at my phone frowning.

luke puts his hand on my chin and lifts my head up before saying "babe never say that, you're not stupid. stop saying such negative comments about yourself. "

i give him a big hug. he kisses my cheek. i suddenly tense up. i look up at his blue eyes and give him a big smile.

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