
14.9K 393 452

Emma p.o.v.

I wake up next to Luke in my bed. I just smile at the thought and how cute he looks.

I check my phone and notice its,


I remembered I was going to meet up with Kaitlin. So I stood up until a hand grasped my wrist. I look back were Luke was sleeping and saw him smiling at me.

"Were are you doing Em?"

"I'm going to get ready because I'm going to meet up with Kaitlin today."

"But I want to cuddle." He puts "Please Em"

"Ugh fine Luke but only for 10 minutes."

I went back down on the bed. He pecked my cheeks at least 5 times. God how could someone be this cute.

"Em can I tell you something?"

"Of course Luke what is it?"

His arm are around my waist and I feel so protective.

"Umm well..."

The boys barged right in.

"Sorry are we bothering you too?" Ashton ask while winking at us.

"No Luke was just going to tell me something." I look at him.

"I'll just tell you later okay?"

I nod and give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Guys what do you want?" I say to Michael, Ashton, and Calum.

"Well we were wondering if you wanted to do the twitcam?" Calum questions.

"Ya of course just let me get ready. Give me an hour. " I say to them.

I grab a pair of black leggings and a black t-shirt and walk out of the room, I noticed Ashton was following me.

"Umm hello?" I say to Ashton

"After you get ready we're going to have breakfast okay?"

I then remembered I lied to him about having breakfast.

"Ya. I'm sorry I lied to you I thought you would get mad."

He just nods and gives me a hug.

"Okay go get ready." He chuckles.

I take off my clothes and stepped in the shower. I did all I need to do and dried my self off. I get dressed and blowed dried my hair. I plugged my curler and applied more makeup then usual. I coated my eyelashes with a few coats of mascara. I fixed my eyebrows and added eyeliner. I applied my lips with a coat of eos chapstick. My curler beeped. I started to curl my hair and then I burned my hand.

"OW SHIT!" I yell.

The boys started to bang on the door.

"Babe are you okay? What happened?" Luke questions.

"Ya I'm fine. I just burned my hand with a curler." I explain.

"Okay love. We're will be in the kitchen to make breakfast. Come out when you done." Ashton says.

I hear the boys walk away. I finished curling my hair. I opened the bathroom door and walk down to the kitchen.

"Hi Em! We made you breakfast." Calum says.

"Damn you look hot." Luke says while I blush. "Thanks." I chuckle. 

There was bacon, waffles, egg, and fruit salad.

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