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Emma p.o.v.

I wake up to see Luke lying next to me on the couch. Everything from yesterday flashed through my head and I smile at the beautiful memories.

"Lukey wake up." I say while shaking his shoulder. "Luke baby wake up."

Luke eyes start to flutter to open. He rubs his eyes.

"Good morning babe." He says while pecking my cheek.

"Good morning Lukey. Do you want me to make you pancakes today."

"Aww babe yas please." He ask while kissing my cheek.

I walk to the kitchen and I see Luke sitting on the counter rubbing his eyes.

"Aw Luke you look so cute. Do you want chocolate chip?" I say while getting all the supplies for the pancake mix.

"Yes please. Thanks you so much." I walk over to Luke and a kiss his lips.

I started mixing the pancake mix and the water then an arm was wrapped around my waist.

"Luke remember last time. I burned the pancakes." I chuckled as I look into his eyes.

"Ya ya I remember that." Luke chuckles. I start making the pancakes adding chocolate chips and Luke would steal kisses every few seconds. I at least made fifthteen large pancakes. Maybe when the boys come over they might want some I think to myself while I was flipping the pancakes.

"Here ya go Lukey." I pass him three pancakes. "Thanks Em. We should eat on the couch and watch a movie." Luke suggest.

"Ya sure you go and pick a movie I uh have to go use the bathroom really quickly." I tell him. He nods and kisses my cheek.

I walk to the living room to get my phone. I unlock my phone and press on the Twitter app while I was walking to the bathroom. I walked to the toilet and placed the seat down to sit on it. I didn't know why I was doing this I knew there was going to be loads of hate but I still chose to look.

@iluv5sos; Oh my god I just saw Luke and Emma at a grocery store her hair looked hideous.

@5sos_reject; I'm pretty sure Emma sleeps with all the boys. She is such a slut.

@Hemmo.1996; Emma is so ugly. I don't know why 5sos picked her.

@lukeismypenguin; Apparently 5sos adopted Emma. She is so fat it's so disgusting.

There were so many more. Tears were in my eyes. I walked to the cabinets and looked through the stuff until I found what I needed.

A Razor.

I unscrewed some pieces to make it easier to brake. The blade finally falls out. I think to my self what will happen if the boys found out. Fuck it.

I brought the blade to my wrist and dragged it.

One for lying to Calum.

Two for lying to Ashton.

Blood started to gush out to of my skin.

Three for eating breakfast.

Four for eating lunch with Kaitlin.

Five for eating dinner with Luke.

I felt dizzy.

Six for letting Luke know you purged.

Seven for looking at the hate.

Eight for still living.

Nine for being who I am.

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