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trigger warning

Calum p.o.v.

"Emma we will show you around the house okay because we didn't get to show you yesterday?" Luke tells Emma. She just nods shyly. "And we're going in tour in about 6 days. So we will go shopping for clothes soon ok babe?"

"Okay." she says while looking down at her shoes. Its get really awkward so I give Ashton a what do we do stare. "Uhh lets start the house tour then!" Ashton says.

We start to walk into the kitchen and in the living room. "That is the kitchen which you already know and you can get anything from the pantry and refrigerator." Luke mumbles.

"Emma that is your room after we show you around we will go by decorations and paint for your room." I say looking at her.

"That is Luke room at your right and on your left is my room." I say pointing at the rooms.

"At the end of the hall is the bathroom." Michael groans. I slap him because he sounded like a dick.

"Sorry I'm just really tired." "Well you did play video games all night." Calum says.

"Okay whatever Calum and Michael." Ashton groans.

"In front of your room is Michael and my room." He says pointing at their room.

"When you go downstairs there is a game room so if were not upstairs were probably play video games." Luke says.  I see Emma smiling at Luke. I smirk at Luke and he gives me a death glare.

"Thanks so much!" Emma says while hugging all of us.

"No need to thank us you're family!"

"Lets get ready so we can go shopping!" Michael says.  "Yay!" Ashton and I say in sync. We all started to laugh. "Ok lets get ready!" Luke says cheerfully.

Emma p.o.v.

I walk to my room and pick up my high waisted shorts and My Chemical Romance tshirt.

"I'M GOING TO TAKE A SHOWER!" I scream at the boys.

"Okay!" I hear the boys say in sync.

I walk to the bathroom. I pulled the shower handle on. I took all my clothes off before stepping in the shower. I walked past the mirror. What I saw was a monster not a human being.

I opened the cabinets and looked through it. I saw what I needed.

A razor.

I hit it against the wall for it to break. The blade fell out.

"No please I don't want to." I say under my breath.

I hold the blade against my wrist. Tears were forming in my eyes.

I see 5 scars that are bleeding.

I feel so relieved. I then hear 4 boys screaming and knocking on the door.

"Darling are you doing okay?" I hear Calum say.

"Yes Im fine." "Why are you taking so long?" Luke added

"I didn't know how to work the shower." "Oh okay if you need help just ask us okay sweetie." I hear Ashton mumbles

I took my blade and hid it under my clothes. I took a step in the shower and did all the things I needed to do.

Luke p.o.v.

"Don't you think Emma is taking long in the bathroom?" I hear Calum say to us.

"No not really girls usually take really long to get ready." Michael says laughing.

"Well she might be... Like you know what I mean." Calum looks really confused. "Wait did she not tell you yet?"

"What has she not tell us yet!?" I feel so mad. My hand is clenched, my knuckles are turning white.

"Mate calm down."

Calum says patting my back.  "She will tell you soon okay."

I just give him a nod. Then I see Calum run to the bathroom. I looked at Michael and Ashton. We got worried and sprinted to Calum. We started to scream and bang on the door  I listened to Calum asking Emma a question. She just took long because she could work the shower but I knew she was lying to us.

"I told you she was fine." Michael spoke while patting back.

'Ya okay." I said while shook my head because I knew something is wrong.

Emma p.o.v.

I walked outside the bathroom until I looked at my wrist and forgot I was wearing a tshirt and I wasn't wearing any of my bracelets. I sprinted to my room. I remember I left my dirty clothes and the blade in the bathroom.

First I looked through my backpack and saw all my bracelets inside my makeup bag

"Thank god." I started to place my bracelets on my wrist. "Thank what?.." Luke mumbles. I see Luke behind me

"Fuck you scared me."  "Sorry." "It's okay."

'Who were you talking to?"

"Oh um... I couldn't um find my makeup bag." I say while holding my bag.

"Babe I know there is something wrong why can't you tell em?"

"I JUST MET YOU YESTERDAY WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU!" I say in Luke's face and ran to the bathroom.

I looked back at Luke I could see tears in his eyes. I feel really bad know. I shut the bathroom door I found my dirty clothes and the blade dropped. I picked up the blade slit my wrist a few more times until I saw the boys standing behind me.

The boys ran up to me and started to hug me

"Luke I'm really sorry I didn't mean to yell at you."

"Babe it is okay. I'm the one who should say sorry. I forced you tell me what happened." Luke mumbles in my ear.

"Love, I thought you promised not to do it again."

"I know I just... I don't know it feels like I have to do it."

Mikey takes the blade away from my hand. Threw it into the toilet and flushed the blade.

"I have an idea. Well this was Luke idea." Ashton stared at Luke.

"Oh yeah that idea." Luke says cheerfully

"Guys help her clean up okay and I'll have to fine a sharpie." Ashton ordered.

"What is Ashton doing ?" I asked the boys. "You will see." Luke stated

After they were done cleaning up I saw Ashton walking over me holding a sharpie. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to draw a butterfly on your wrist and you try not to kill it my harming yourself." Ashton explains. "How did you think of this idea." I question. "Well Luke came up with the idea." He says smiling. He said while pointing at Luke

"I used to do the same thing as you until I met these boys. They helped me and know were going to help you." Ashton explains while drawing the butterfly on my wrist.

"Thank you so much I love you guys." I say while giving them a group hug. "Ok lets go shopping! Everyone ready?" Michael says.

The boys looked at me, I give them a nod.

"Ok lets go! Let's eat lunch first I'm starving!" Calum blurted out.

The guys helped me up. Then we made our way to the car.

"Oh babe by the way we didn't announce about you yet, so there might be fans hopefully your okay with that?" Ashton stated while smiling at me.

"Ya that's okay" I say smiling at him but nervous.

"But remember we will tell them soon!" Luke says while holding my waist.

I look up at him and give him a big smile.

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