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Emma p.o.v.

Luke and I were cuddling on my bed watching netflix while Mikey brought Kaitlin on a date.

Lexi and Ashton are in the game room. Mia and Calum doing something I don't want to know about.

2 days till tour starts and I am all ready. My suitcase is packed with all my clothes, makeup, jewelry, and any other necessities I needed.

Luke and I were watching Orange Is The New Black while he was braiding my hair or at least trying to. I was laughing not knowing I did it out loud.

"Hey don't laugh." Luke chuckles. "I'm sorry." I pout. "Oh babe it's okay I forgive you." He kisses my cheek. I laugh while kissing his nose.

"Are you ready for tour?" Luke ask.

"Ya! I'm so excited. How about you?" I look up to him.

"I'm really happy. I get to be with you for a year." He says excited. I give him a laugh as a response.

There was silence after that.

"Emma we should have a picnic today."He commented.

"Ya we should. That sound great." I tell him as a respond.

"Okay get ready. Do you want to make the food or I." He questions.

"I'll make the food and you get the stuff. I know for a fact you're going to ruin the food no matter what." I chuckle and he laughs.

He kisses my cheek before saying "First get ready then I'll meet you in the kitchen." I nod.

Luke leaves and shots the door. I got the clothes. High waisted shorts, blue tank top and a brown cardigan.

I walked to the bathroom and changed in there. I turned on the facent water streamed down. I washed my faced and pulled my hair into a half up half down. I brushed my teeth.

I walked to my room when I was done and and placed my clothes onto my chair and got grabbed my phone.

I walked to the kitchen to see Calum and Mia making out but I didn't see Luke.

"Um hello." I say quietly. "Oh hello Emma." Mia says while hugging me.

"Hi Calum do you know were Luke is." I ask nervously.

"I think he is in the game room." I just nod and give him a smile.

I walk downstairs to the game room and I heard noises. "Lexi stop." I heard someone yell. "Luke why?" Lexi said to Luke. "Because I have a girlfriend." I think to myself what there doing.

"You don't really care about her." That really hurt.

"YAS I care about her she means everything to me." He yells at Lexi.

"Well she wouldn't find out Lukey." She says so sexually.

"God Lexi you have Ashton and I have Emma." He spats at Lexi. I was proud of Luke saying that.

"I don't care about Aston. I only care about you." She tells Luke which got me annoyed because Ashton is like my best friend.

"Well guess what Lexi. I care about Ashton." Luke spats.

Ashton walks out of the bathroom and looks at me confused. "I'll tell you later." I tell Ashton. Luke opens the door and looked surprise.

"Emma did you hear anything." he frowns. "Ya I did." I tell him.

"How about we talk about this while I make the food. Okay?" I tell him quietly.

I walk over to him and give him a hug. He just nods and gives me a small smile.

"Ashton I'll tell you what happened later okay? Just please don't get to close to Lexi." Luke tells Ashton politely. Ashton's smile turned into a frown but he nodded in response.

We walk upstairs quietly to the kitchen but he was still holding my hand. I go to the pantry and Luke sits on the chair next to the counter.

"Okay Luke tell me what happened and why you were downstairs with Lexi." I say quietly while getting bread, mayonnaise, and turkey. I started making the sandwich while he was talking.

"Okay so when I was done changing I went to the kitchen and I saw Mia and Calum making out on the kitchen counter. I didn't really want to see what they were doing so I went downstairs to Ashton."He laughs and I do the same but quietly.

" I was just sitting down on the couch. Ashton had to use the bathroom. When he left Lexi went to the couch I was sitting at. She was saying how cute I was but I just ignored her. I was on instagram looking at your account if you were wondering." He chuckles and I looked up at him and smiled.

"She tried to k-kiss me but I told her to stop but she wouldn't listen. I started yelling at her. But then she started talking shit about you. But I was protecting you." He says while I was making the sandwiches. "T-then I think you already k-knew what happened d-during that."He stutters.

"Please don't be m-mad at me Em. P-please believe me." He cries. I then look up at him and saw him he was crying.

I walked so quick to Luke. I've never seen Luke cry before. "Luke baby." I say while whipping his tears from his cheeks.

"I'm not mad at you and I do believe you." I say while giving him a kiss on his lips.

He looks up at me and smiles and gives me a big hug. "I love you babe." He tells me.

"I love you too Lukey."

"Luke how about you get a blanket and a basket and I'll get the food ready."I demand him. He kisses my cheek and nods.

I go to the refrigerator and got strawberries, grapes, blueberries,and hummus. I walked to the pantry and got pita chips for the hummus and sour patch, Luke's favorite and ziploc bags for the sandwiches. I walked to the kitchen counter and placed the sandwiches inside.

I saw Luke walking upstairs holding a basket and a blanket while smiling up at me.

"Hear you go babe." He handed me basket and I placed all the food inside.

"Ready to go?" Luke ask me. "Ya lets go." We walk to the car.

He opens the door for me and I peck his cheek as a sign of thanks. Luke places all the thing in the backseat.

When he got inside I asked him were we are going. "We are going some where special." He tells me and takes my hand and tangles his finger into mine.

"I love you so much." I tell him while kissing his hands.

"I love you too." He pecks my lips.


So this was just a filler.

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating lately I've been kind of down lately and not really wanting do anything. Tomorrow I'm going to the 5sos concert but ill try to update. Hope you understand.

Have a great and wonderful day and remember you beautiful.

I love you guys so much.

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