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Luke p.o.v.

The boys and I walked inside the room were Emma was sleeping.

Her eyes were closed and her hair was on both sides of her shoulder. Her hand was placed out of the blankets, wrist was showing and I saw stitches all over her wrist.

It made me tear up that she had to go through the pain.

I walked over to her bed and sat down next to the chair. The boys followed behind me gathering around the bed.

"Emma I love you so much please don't leave me. I don't know what I would do if you leave. You mean the world to me. Emma you are the most beautiful girl I know and I would do anything for you. I love you so much. Please Emma come back." I croak while holding her hand. I felt her hand squeeze mine.

I look at the boys then back at Emma. "Emma?!"

"L-luke." She chuckles. I gasp and I looked at the boys there faces were all surprised.

"Luke." she giggles. I look at her confused. "Yas Emma?" I say worried.

"I love you too." She confessed. "Wait how long have you've been awake?" Ashton interrupted.

"Umm maybe for an hour." Emma confessed.

"So you heard what I said?" I added. She nods her head while taking my hand.

"Emma babe I though we lost you please never do that ever again." Ashton explained she looks at him and gives him a smile which I knew was fake.

Michael walks next to Emma's bed and lays next to her.

"You're such a cutie." Emma giggled. "I wuv you."Michael ended. Emma giggles.

Calum walks to Emma and grabbing her other hand. "Please Em never do that again." Emma smile at Calum.

She then looks at me. My eyes were red from all the crying and I looked like shit.

"Can I talk to Luke alone?" She ask the boys. They all in agreement and walk out the door.

"Lukey?" She say while patting the spaces on the bed. I lay down next to her.

"Have you've been crying?" She added. I nod because I didn't want her to see me weak. "Why?"

"What do you mean why. You almost killed yourself Emma. I would have lost the love of my life. Em I wouldn't know what I would do without you. I love you so much." I cried. "Why did you do it Em?"

"Luke I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of the hate. I thought the hate wouldn't get to me but apparently it did because I'm here know. You and the boys are the only reason why I'm living." She cries I the. Kiss her cheeks and wipe the tears away.

"If you didn't  adopted me I'm pretty sure I would be dead by then. I'm just tired of living. I'm a fat and worthless girl who people think I'm using you guys. Luke you are my oxygen and without you I won't be able to live." She finished.

"Emma babe." I kiss her lips. "Please never say that ever again. The only reason they send hate is because your the most beautiful girl. There just jealous on how your blue eyes sparkle. There jealous on how stunning your hair is, how your skin is so fucking soft. They are jealous because your lips are gorgeous. They are just jealous because your perfect. I love you so so much Emma Irwin." I nuzzle up next to her.

"Thank you Luke that means." she kisses my lips. "Please never think about that ever again." I tell her.

I see the boys peek through the door and they fell to the ground. We all laugh.

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