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Luke p.o.v.

The first time I met Emma she was the most gorgeous person I met. But I know she wasn't the smiling, giggly and happy girl I know. I knew she was keeping something from the boys and I. When we walked in the orphanage I saw her walking downstairs and I knew she was different then everyone else.

I saw her wear many bracelets on her wrist.

She was so much thinner than many girls her age.

Her knuckles were bruised.

I wanted to help her, I wanted to protect her. I want her to feel save around the boys and me.

When Ms. Lee asked for all the girls to go upstairs except Emma all the girls started to push her and calling names like





stupid and many more.

A girl I didn't know flipped Emma off. I got so pissed off but I didn't know what to do. We asked her questions and I saw her smile appear. Emma was so beautiful when she smiles. I never knew that I could like someone that quick. I didn't even know anything about Emma.

We played 20 questions to get to know each other. She was laughing and smiling until i asked her a question I wish I could take back.

"Why do you wear so much bracelets?" I ask her, that smile disappeared.

"Fashion I guess." She tells me though.

I just nodded and frowned. I knew it wasn't fashion. Ashton went through the same thing and it was hard for him but Calum, Michael and I helped Ashton.

We will do the same to Emma.

We were in the car while Emma was sleeping on my lap.

"Hey Emma were home." I said while I shook her shoulder.

"Oh sorry." She rubs her eyes.

"I'll just carry you inside. All the other boys are cleaning the house real quick ok babe?"

"Ok thanks."

When I lift her up she was super light. I got scared that I would hurt her. I bring her to her room she was already sleeping. I bring the covers over her.

"Luke" she mumbles "Yes sweetie?" "Can you stay with me." "Of course babe."

I lay next to her and wrap my arm around her waist. My eyes start to flutter. I look over to see Emma seeing she was fast asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I look over at Emma. She was shaking and crying in her sleep.

"GUYS" I scream to the boys.

The guys started to run to Emma's room. Emma suddenly woke up.

"Emma it was just a bad dream." Calum says to Emma while hugging her.

"Babe what is wrong?" Ashton says.

"Umm nothing is wrong." she says frowning.

"Babe there is something wrong because you screamed in your sleep." I say while giving her a weak smile.

"Lets talk about while we eat breakfast, I'm starving." Michael says.

"Lets eat breakfast okay babe and please tell us?" I say facing Emma

She looks down at her hands and nods.

"Emma we didn't get to show you around the house you fell asleep when you got home. So we will show you around after breakfast." I whisper in her ear.

She just looks up and gives us a weak smile.

"LETS EAT IM HUNGRY!" I hear Calum yells.

Emma p.o.v.

I had the worst morning ever. I had dream about my dad.

My dad found me in Australia. He had a bunch of guys ganging up on me. They started to punch me and stab me with knives. My dad had a gun right to my face. Someone started to shake me but I couldn't wake up. Then in my dream my dad shot me and thats when I woke up.

I had tears in my eyes. I look down to see my hand was shaking. All the boys were surrounded by me. They asked me questions about what happened. I dont want to tell them. I just met them yesterday. I can't trust anyone.

Then Mikey said we should have breakfast. All the boys agreed. I just stiffen up. I'm not even hungry. If I eat I will get fat. When we reached downstairs for breakfast. The boys made pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

I just stiffen up by looking at it. I found an apple and took that for breakfast. "Love, you have to eat more than that?" Calum says.

"Im really not hungry actually." I say nervously. "You didn't have dinner or lunch yesterday. You just went to bed. Please babe?" Ashton says to me. "Fine." I groan.

I take a one pancake and a piece of bacon. I look down at my plate frowning and we started to eat.

"Darling can you tell us what happened in you dream? We're really worried." Michael says across from me.

I nod and started to tell them what happened about my dream, my dad killing me. Tears started to form in my eyes. Luke held my hand to comfort me.I looked down at my plate until I noticed I had.

4 pancakes,

3 pieces of bacon,


on the side, chocolate milk.

I started to cry I ran to as fast as I can to the bathroom. I closed the door and this time I remembered to lock it this time. The boys started to bang on the door yelling at me to open it.

I pull my hair up in a ponytail. Open the toilet seat.

I took my two finger and put down my throat.

All the food I just ate come down my throat to the toilet. When I was done I brushed my teeth and flushed the toilet. I totally forgot the boys were still outside. When I opened the door the boys fell down.They started to hug me and I could see tears forming in there eyes.

"Please babe never do that again." Ashton says.

"Why do you even care about me?'

"Your family of course we care about you." Calum says.

Michael hugged me so tight i couldn't breath.

"Micha-el I-i cant breath." I gasp for air.

"Oh right sorry." He said laughing

"Please never do that again I thought I lost you." Luke says

"Im sorry Luke." I say shyly.

"Its not your fault babe." he says while hugging.

"I like you." He says so quietly I don't think I was supposed to hear it.

The boys started hugging me.

Why the fuck do these guys hugging a lot.

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