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Emma p.o.v.

"Wake up Em. We're are here." I hear in the background. " Babe we're here know."

I rose from Luke's lap and looked around and noticed we're still on the plane.

"Did I sleep the whole way here?" I question while rubbing my eyes.

"Ya you did. You slept for 20 hours Em." I hear Ashton laugh behind me.

"You look cute while you sleep." Luke chuckles. "Ya okay." I groan.

We all stood up and Mia and Calum were behind us while Michael and Kaitlin were next to us.

We walk out of the plane and I saw so many fans running to us. Luke grabs my hands. Security guards starts running up to us.

"You can do this." Luke whispers in my ear. Tangling his finger into mine.

Luke was holding my hand tightly. We lost the boys and Kaitlin and Mia.

My wrist starts to bleed again because I kept scratching my wrist and it was in so much pain.

"Luke I can't do this." I start crying really hard and grabbed my wrists. My breathing got heavier.

Luke noticed because he made us stop in the middle of the crowd of fans. I suddenly fall to the ground. He kneels down on the floor.

"Babe you've got this. You are the most strongest girl I know. The most beautiful and kindest." He kisses my cheek while pulling me into a hug.

The fans start backing up to give me room. A few fans also gave me tissues for my wrist which was bleeding a lot. Luke was wiping the tears of my face. I started hearing people saying sorry in the background.

Luke stand up while helping.we then started walking. "I'm sorry Luke." I whisper into his ear.

I look around and saw the fans having a worried look on their faces. I gave them a fake smile for a sign that I was okay.

He turns around to face me. "Em there is nothing to be sorry about." Luke kisses my lips. We forgot that we were still in the airport and there were fans around us. We heard many gasps from the fans.

"Are you guys dating?" A fan ask. I look at Luke who was looking at me. I nod my head.

"Ya we are. But if you can't support us that means you're not true fans. Please don't say any hate she has gone through a lot already." He kisses my forehead and takes my hand.

I then heard people whispering hurtful words about me. But they didn't say it to me. Luke didn't notice they were saying it to me because he just kept talking to me but I just spaced out. Tears started spilling out but I wiped it away before Luke can see me.

When we got to the baggage claimer we found the boys and Mia and Kaitlin.

"What took you guys so long?" Ashton ask worried.

"Something happened." Luke explains while staring at Ashton. Ashton knew what he was trying to stay and he nods and smiles.

"We already got the suitcases." Calum explains to Luke and I.

"Okay thanks Cal." Luke tells him. I grab the suitcase.

Then I walk over to Mia and Kaitlin. "How did it go with the fans?" I began.

"The fans didn't really do anything. They just asked who I was and I told them I was friend of you" Kaitlin explains. "Well that was good."

"They did say some hurtful word but I didn't care to be honest." Mia described. "What happened to you and Luke?"

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