Soobin: Leg Cramp

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Y/N was casually swimming in the pool, enjoying the cool water against her skin. The sun was shining brightly, and laughter filled the air as Beomgyu and the others splashed around nearby. Soobin, unable to swim, stayed on the edge, dangling his feet in the water.

"Come on, Soobin!" Beomgyu teased, pulling gently on Soobin's leg. "The water's great!"

Soobin laughed nervously, shaking his head. "You know I can't swim, Beomgyu!"

"That's why you need to learn," Beomgyu insisted, giving another playful tug. "Just come in a little. I'll hold you."

Y/N swam over, grinning. "Don't be such a scaredy-cat, Soobin. It's not that deep here."

Soobin sighed, looking around at his friends having fun. "Maybe later."

As Y/N turned to swim back towards the deep end, a sudden sharp pain shot through her leg. She winced, feeling her muscles seize up. "Oh no," she whispered, trying to keep calm. But the cramp was too intense, and she began to flail, unable to move her leg.

"Help!" she managed to shout, her voice strained with panic.

Soobin's eyes widened as he saw her struggling. Without thinking, he dove into the water, his fear of swimming forgotten. He paddled clumsily but determinedly towards Y/N, who was now gasping for air.

"Hang on, Y/N! I'm coming!" Soobin called out, his heart pounding.

Yeonjun and Taehyun, who had been sunbathing, noticed the commotion. Yeonjun sprang to his feet and ran to the edge of the pool. "Soobin, over here!" he shouted, reaching out his hand.

Soobin managed to grab Y/N and, with a tremendous effort, swam towards Yeonjun. He pushed her up towards the edge, and Yeonjun pulled her out of the water.

"You're okay, Y/N," Yeonjun said, his voice steady but concerned. "Just breathe."

Y/N nodded, her leg still throbbing with pain. "My leg... it hurts," she groaned.

"Leg cramp?" Yeonjun asked, already knowing the answer. He knelt beside her, placing his hands on her leg and foot. "I've got you. Just relax and let me help."

Soobin, now gripping the edge of the pool, struggled to catch his breath. Beomgyu and Hueningkai hurried over to help him out of the water.

"Nice save, Soobin!" Beomgyu said, patting his back.

"Yeah, you did great," Hueningkai added, helping him to sit down.

Soobin nodded, his eyes fixed on Y/N. "I was so scared," he admitted quietly. "I thought she was going to drown."

Y/N, feeling the pain in her leg slowly subside under Yeonjun's expert massage, looked up at Soobin. "Thank you, Soobin," she said softly. She reached out, pulling him into a gentle kiss.

Soobin's eyes widened in surprise before he kissed her back, his heart racing for an entirely different reason now. He had harbored a crush on Y/N for the longest time, and this moment felt surreal.

"Wow," Beomgyu muttered to Hueningkai, grinning. "Didn't see that coming."

Yeonjun continued to work on Y/N's leg, his hands moving skillfully. "How's that? Feeling any better?"

Y/N nodded, leaning her head on Soobin's lap. "Much better. Thank you, Yeonjun."

"Anytime," Yeonjun replied with a smile. "I get leg cramps all the time from dancing. Just keep it stretched out for a while."

Once everyone had calmed down, they decided to get back into the pool, but this time, they stayed in the shallow end. Soobin, still a bit shaken, clung to Y/N despite the shallow water barely reaching his chest.

"You're really not letting go, huh?" Y/N teased, looking up at him.

Soobin chuckled nervously. "Nope. Not until I'm sure you're okay."

Beomgyu swam over, splashing water at them playfully. "Look at Soobin, all protective. It's kind of cute."

"Shut up, Beomgyu," Soobin said, though he couldn't help but smile. "I'm just being careful."

Hueningkai floated by on an inflatable tube, watching the scene with amusement. "Well, at least we're all back in the pool. No more heroics for today, okay?"

"Agreed," Y/N said, leaning back against Soobin. "Let's just enjoy the rest of the day."

Taehyun, who had been quiet until now, swam up with a mischievous grin. "But if anyone else needs saving, we know who to call."

Soobin rolled his eyes. "Very funny, Taehyun."

Yeonjun, now floating nearby, nodded. "But seriously, good job, Soobin. You really stepped up."

"Thanks, guys," Soobin said, his cheeks flushing slightly. "I just... didn't want anything to happen to Y/N."

Y/N squeezed his hand. "And I'm really glad you did. You're my hero today, Soobin."

As the afternoon sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the pool, the friends continued to laugh and splash around, the earlier scare already fading into a distant memory.

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