Yeonjun: Baby Mishap

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Yeonjun woke up early, eager to pick up his girlfriend Y/N. Today was special; she was going to spend the entire day with them, and in the evening, it would be game night at the TXT apartment, with Y/N sleeping over. Taehyun decided to tag along, knowing it would be fun.

"Do you think she's awake?" Taehyun asked, glancing at Yeonjun as they approached Y/N's apartment door.

"She better be," Yeonjun chuckled, pressing the doorbell. They waited for a few moments, but there was no answer. "That's odd," he muttered, pressing it again.

"Maybe she's in the shower?" Taehyun suggested.

"Maybe. But she knew we were coming," Yeonjun said, a hint of worry creeping into his voice.

After a moment of hesitation, Yeonjun entered the door pin, and they stepped inside, calling her name. "Y/N! Are you home?" Yeonjun shouted, but the silence that greeted them was unsettling.

Then, they heard it—a faint, but unmistakable, crying sound coming from Y/N's bedroom. It didn't sound like an adult's cry. It sounded like a baby.

"Did you hear that?" Taehyun asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah, I did. Let's check it out," Yeonjun replied, leading the way cautiously.

They entered the bedroom carefully, but no one was there. The room was empty, save for a small, wriggling bump under the covers and another baby cry.

"Do you think...?" Taehyun started, but Yeonjun had already moved forward, pulling back the covers to reveal a tiny baby. But there was no sign of Y/N.

"Where is she?" Yeonjun muttered, confused. He picked up his phone and dialed Y/N's number, only to find her phone lying on the bed.

The baby looked at Taehyun with wide eyes and gurgled, "TaeTae."

Taehyun's jaw dropped. "Did she just say...?"

"Yeah. Only Y/N calls you TaeTae," Yeonjun said, a mixture of awe and bewilderment on his face.

The baby giggled, and Yeonjun couldn't help but smile. He reached down, picking her up carefully. "Hey there, little one," he cooed, cradling the baby in his arms. "Are you... are you Y/N?"

The baby blinked up at him, her tiny hands grasping at his shirt. "Junie," she murmured.

Taehyun covered his mouth with his hand, trying not to laugh. "This is... incredible. What happened to her?"

Yeonjun gently snuggled the baby, his cheek brushing against hers. "I don't know, but she's adorable," he said softly, feeling a surge of protectiveness and affection.

"We need to figure this out," Taehyun said, though he couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Should we call someone? The guys, maybe?"

"Let's just... take a minute," Yeonjun replied, unable to tear his eyes away from baby Y/N. "Look at her. She's perfect."

The baby gurgled again, her tiny fingers tangling in Yeonjun's hair. "Junie," she repeated, giggling when he made a funny face at her.

Taehyun leaned in closer. "Hey, Y/N, do you remember us? Can you understand us?"

The baby looked at him seriously for a moment before nodding slowly. "TaeTae, Junie," she said, pointing to each of them in turn.

Yeonjun's heart melted at the sight. "We need to figure out what happened, but right now, all I can think about is how cute she is," he admitted, kissing her tiny forehead.

Taehyun chuckled. "Yeah, I can see that. You're a natural, Yeonjun. Maybe all that talk about babies last week wasn't so scary after all."

Yeonjun smiled, remembering their conversation. "Yeah, maybe. I mean, look at her. How could anyone be scared of this?" he said, gently bouncing baby Y/N in his arms.

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