Chapter Thirty Four - History Lesson

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I do not own Soul Eater nor do I own anything mentioned in this x reader. A/N: Also guys I wanted to let you all know that Kid is indeed older in this x reader. Kid is 19 as is the reader and many other of the characters but not all the characters of course are 19. I wanted to tell you all this information because a lot of you thought Kid had a baby at the age of 15. Also in this chapter we get a little bit into the history, I'm warning you now that some of this is made up so don't freak out, I mean this is a x reader. Anyway enjoy the chapter guys!

"L-Lord Death?!" I said surprised completely. I then looked down at the crying bundle in my arms and quickly tried to calm him down.

"Oh fudge! I almost forgot Kid is your son and so that makes the baby your grandson!" Taylor said with equal surprise in her voice.

"Ohhhhh is that him?" Lord Death asked to me. He floated over and leaned down to look. "May I hold him?" He asked softly.

I nodded and said "U-uhh sure, I can't get him to stop crying so your welcomed to try." I gently placed the baby into Lord Death's arms.

The baby could probably just fit in one of Lord Death's hands but I could tell he was being extra careful with the small baby boy.

"Hello little one.. Look at your grandpa." Lord Death cooed. Slowly the crying died down and I couldn't help but smile.

Lord Death's POV.

He looked just like my Kiddo when he was a baby. They were nearly twins except the eyes were different and this little one didn't have his lines yet which I thanked to any gods higher than I myself.

I watched as he just stared at me. I chuckled and said "It's the mask isn't it?" Of course I didn't except a answer but I was rewarded with a toothless grin.

I smiled and caressed his little cheek softly making him coo ever so softly. "He's very precious." I commented softly.

"Thank you.." (Your Name) whispered softly smiling at us.

"So.. uhh Lord Death?" A girl with glasses asked. "Oh how rude of me! I'm Taylor!" She nodded smiling.

"Nice to meet you Taylor. What was it you wanted to ask?"

"Oh yah right! So umm is the baby just like Kid then? I mean how do we know that the baby isn't going to get madness like he did. He still was in madness when (Your Name) and him.. you know did the thing."

I nodded and said "You very smart and observant. It's true that my grandson and son share many similarities. But madness isn't one of them. You see as many of you may know Kid has a brother. His name Asura. Asura was born from my fear so he became very paranoid about many things and wanted to rid this world of the pain and scary things it brought. And yet again as you may know Asura died four years ago when many of you were just the age of 15. I had made Asura in the hopes of becoming stronger, so I had gotten rid of my fear and Asura became my first apprentice. Anyway skip a couple years ahead and Kid was born. Kid was born from a piece of my soul, so he is a full shinigami since his soul is like mine but his soul has taken up a different.. mm a different.. a different scheme I suppose you could say. Kid has his own personality so the soul formed around Kid and what makes him Kid. Anyway I've been a shinigami for so long I can't even remember. In all my years though.. I have never heard of a shinigami having a child.. normally. If you were still human you would be dead from giving birth to well a piece of death itself."

"Now let me continue. Kid is a full shinigami as are you now making your child a full shinigami. Soul, Taylor may I have a word with (Your Name) alone?" I turned my head and watched as the two nodded and walked out slowly, trying to process everything they had just heard.

I turned my head back to (Your Name). "Now that their gone I can continue with the truth. Your not a full shinigami well you are but your also half witch." I watched as her eyes widened.

"L-Lord Death I can expl-"

"There's no need to. I understand, Kid told me everything awhile ago. He didn't tell you because he didn't want you to worry. You haven't done any harm to anyone so don't worry child. Anyway because you are half witch that means your child is a quarter of a witch or in this case a wizard. Shinigami's have a ability that we can take a part of our souls and make someone like us. You see Kid did this ability but he wasn't fully developed yet. So when he did it to you a part of his soul wrapped around yours and merged. But because he wasn't fully developed into a full shinigami he can no longer do that ability even if he unlocks his full potential. Any whoooooo.. because his soul merged with yours it became into something stable because both your souls are on the same wavelength possibly because you both care for each other greatly. But.. because your child hadn't had something like this done with him his soul is different as is his blood. You see shinigami's and witches are mortal enemies. Our blood just doesn't mix. But when a shinigami has a child with a witch their blood is forced to mix to make a baby. You would think that this would kill the baby and it would. But.." I took a deep breath and gently gave (Your Name) the baby back.

I stretched my arms and my back. "Boy am I tired!" I yawned.

"Lord Death please! Please continue!" She urged me worriedly.

"Oh right right! But because you aren't a full witch your baby managed to survive. It also helped that you were full shinigami. Your child's soul.. is so peculiar. The feeling of its power is just amazing. Your child is very powerful but at the same time he is unstable with this power. If he gets into the wrong hands it could be dangerous to everyone. That's why I want to make sure he's protected dearly but also because he's my grandson and he reminds me of my own little Kiddo.." I smiled sadly looking at the small baby boy.

"I-I understand.. Is there a chance though that he.. That he could just all of a sudden become unstable and die?" I looked at her and saw there were tears in her eyes as she held him closer to her.

"You don't have to worry about that dear. He survived birth, and that's saying a lot right there. I'm almost certain he won't become unstable just out of the blue. He'll grow up to he a healthy little boy just like his daddy." I cooed to him making him smile again.

She sniffled and smiled gently. "Thank you Lord Death.. Thank you for letting me still see Kid even though you know what I was."

"There's no harm that was done with you two. Just unprotected sex." I chuckled and watched as her cheeks became a dark shade of red.

"U-uhh yah!" She said coughing awkwardly.

"Soul! Listen! I had the apple juice first you fudge!" I turned around slightly to see Soul and Taylor walk in.

"Yah but I don't like anything other than apple juice!" Soul complained. "Plus I'm a cool guy who deserves a cool drink."

Taylor rolled her eyes and watched as he took a drink of his apple juice. She grabbed it and squeezed it causing it to squirt everywhere on Soul.

"TAYLOR!" Soul spat on his apple juice all over her.

"SOUL!" She yelled at him.

"Gotta go! Me and Maka are going to train! See yah at home (Your Name)!" Soul quickly ran out laughing.

Taylor glared at him as he left and stomped over to (Your Name). "He got me all wet.."

"Wink wink nudge nudge." (Your Name) said grinning.

"OH MY DEATH NOT LIKE THAT!" Taylor squealed loudly as a dark crimson tint came to her pale cheeks.

(Your Name) just kept on laughing happily as Taylor playfully smacked her arm.

"Oh by the way.." I said in my cheerful voice. "What's the little guys name?" I stroked his cheek lovingly.

"Huh? Oh the name! Oh well his name is... "

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