Chapter Seventeen - I Want Him Back

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I do not own Soul Eater nor do I own any characters mentioned in this x reader.

A/N: Also before you read I want to let you guys know that next chapter there will be lemon. You knew that in some point in this x reader that there would be sex so don't judge xD anyway on with the story. . . 

I walked into a inn at the small town with Kid slumped on my back and knocked out. "Hello can I please get a room? My boyfriend is very tired." I smiled. 

The man nodded and said "Ahh room 8 mam." I nodded and walked upstairs to room 8 which was all the way down the hallway. I opened our room up and closed the door behind me, locking it. I threw Kid on the bed and got out a chair, putting it in the middle of the room. I picked Kid up again and placed him in the seat. 

I opened my bag and took out steel chains. No I haven't been just carrying around steel chains with me this whole time. I bought them from the blacksmith in this town. 

I tied Kid with the chains and put the lock on him. I stood up and took a good look at him frowning softly. I caressed his cheek gently and placed a kiss on his forehead with love. "I love you." I whispered.

I took a step back and he stirred slightly as he started to wake up. He looked up and then smirked. "Oh when I get out of this you little witch are most certainly dying."

I rolled my eyes and glared at him. "Give me my Kid back now." He laughed in my face and grinned madly. 

"Why should I? Maybe if you get down on your knees and suck something for me?" He smirked. I glared at him and slapped him across the face. 

He laughed loudly and said "WOW! ARE WE GETTING KINKY HERE BABY?!" I clenched my fists tightly and slapped him again which just made him laugh louder. "OOOO IS SOMEONE MAD?!" 

"Shut up..." I whispered. 

"WHAT'S WRONG? SAD TO NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN?? MAYBE I'LL JUST KILL HIM AND TAKE HIS BODY! HOW ABOUT THAT LITTLE WITCH?!" He laughter filled the room as tears filled my eyes and I just snapped. 

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID BASTARD!!" I punched him hard in the face and I just kept doing it. I kept smashing my fists against his stupid face. Every time I hit him though he would just laugh madly. Tears ran down my cheeks as I starred at him. 

"Your.. not getting.. him back.." He said smirking. My fist clenched and I swiped at him but I stopped right before I hit him. 

Instead I gently caressed his cheek. "My Kiddo..." I whispered crying. I kneeled down in front of him and leaned up and pressed my lips against his. I kissed him passionately, caressing his pale cheek as tears ran down mine. 

I felt his lips move and I pulled back still crying wanting my Kid back with me. 

"You know... A pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying." He said softly. 

My eyes widened and I looked up and saw Kid smiling softly at me. The black lines near his mouth were gone and his eyes were lighter. "Kid?"

He smiled. "Who else love?" 

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