Chapter Thirty Two - The Baby

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I do not own Soul Eater nor do I own any characters mentioned in this x reader.

I panted softly and could barely breathe. My downstairs was sore and stung a bit. I didn't even get to see the baby when he was born... But I did hear his cry. He was alive.

I smiled softly and then two idiots crashed threw the door.

"Where is-"

"He!" Taylor finished.

"T-they took him. I didn't even get to see him yet." I said sadly.

"What?! I am outraged!" Taylor said playfully.

I giggled weakly and shook my head. "How are you feeling (Your Name)? I mean you did just give birth to a reaper." Soul mumbled.

"I feel.. Fine actually. If the baby wasn't a premature I think I would've died." I laughed softly.

Taylor grinned and said "I wish!"

I gasped playfully pretending to be hurt. "How could you!? I thought you were the one!"

She looked away grinning. "We can't.."

I nodded and looked away. I looked out the window and said "We can't be together. I'm a villain of the night. We can never be. Goodbye." I made a gesture of me pretending to jump out the window.

Soul laughed and shook his head. "You guys are freaks!"

"Thank you!" Taylor said.

I smiled and yawned softly. "I'm so tired now.. "

Taylor and Soul looked at me. Taylor looked at the clock and stuck her tongue out. "Visiting hours are almost up. Soul and I have to go back home. Get some sleep okay? I mean it missy!"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes mom!"

Taylor smiled and walked out waiting for Soul. Soul smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Get some rest and be safe." He quickly ran out, following Taylor.

I smiled and rested my head down. I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep.


I opened my eyes slowly as I felt someone tap on my shoulder. "H-huh...?"

"Umm excuse me miss but the doctors say that the baby is healthy and even though he's a premature he will be fine." I heard a small sweet voice say.

I opened my eyes up more and saw her cradling a small white bundle. "Anyway.. Umm.. Congratulations!" She gently gave me my bundle and quickly ran out.

"O-oh thank you!"

I shrugged then looked at the white bundle that was cradled in my warm arms. I gently moved the blanket out of the way and gasped when I was met with a pale skin tone. "My baby boy.. " I whispered.

He had skin that resembled snow, a little cute button nose with chubby cheeks. He had a small tuff of ebony soft hair. He was so small too, I couldn't believe it.

I carefully and lovingly stroked my babies cheek. He stirred and a small squeak escaped his mouth. His eyes opened and he looked up at me with an angry looking expression.

I giggled lightly and let out a small breath from his eyes. Their were two bands that surrounded his pupil. The inside band was (Your Eye Color) while the outside band was a golden. He was so beautiful.

"Hi baby boy.. I'm your mama you know that?" I whispered to him. He just stared at me tiredly. "Did you know that you were in my tummy for nine months?" He yawned adorably. "Your daddy gave me you because he's gone. He wanted me to have something to remember him by. So he gave me you, did you know that one baby boy?" I asked as my voice cracked a bit. He made a small sound before he closed his eyes and fell asleep in my arms.

I smiled softly. "Kid would be so proud of me.. He would love you too baby." I whispered as tears ran down my cheeks. "Kid.. I miss you.. " I cried softly.

Kids POV.

I watched from from afar as (Your Name) talked to our son. Our baby. Tears ran down my own cheeks. I wanted to be there with them. I wanted to hold him and say "Hey little man, I'm your daddy." I wanted to be there for her when she was pregnant. When she was in pain. I wanted to be there when she cried and no one was there for her. I wanted to be there for her when.. When Paige died.

I didn't get a good look at our son, I just know how small he was. The blanket they had around him was so big. I wonder what he looked like. Hopefully her. Sadly though by the looks of her crying he probably looks like his daddy...

"Can we go now? This is boring as hell. You said five minutes and that was all." The madness said within me.

I gulped and nodded. "Your not gonna hurt them.."

He grinned madly at me. "Oh really? And tell me now what exactly is stopping me?"

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists.

"Exactly. That's what I thought little boy. Now listen here. I'm not attacking them yet because that would be to easy. But if you keep your mouth up I'll force your own body, your own mind to kill them. To kill your lover and your child. So I suggest you shut your mouth unless you want dead baby matter on your clothes."

I cringed when he said those words. I had no other choice. He would hurt them and I would be forced to just sit here and watch. I nodded slowly not taking my eyes off the ground.

"Good. Now let's go." He took control of my body and started walking away.

He won't hurt my family.. Even if it's the death of me. I will protect them. No matter what, because...

I love them.

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