Chapter Thirty Three - Memories

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I do not own Soul Eater nor do I own any characters mentioned in this x reader.

I wake up to a soft crying from the small white crib on wheels next to me. I groaned softly and sat up pulling the crib closer to me. I carefully picked up my baby boy and cradled him.

He looked up at me, whining softly. "What's wrong baby boy?" I asked checking his diaper and seeing that it was fine.

He just kept crying softly and sadly making me frown. "Shh it's okay. Shh.. " I honestly didn't know what was wrong.

Then it finally hit me. He was hungry! I pulled down my hospital gown to let him suckle. I had to guide him to my nipple and open his mouth for him. But once he had it he started sucking like he was starving. I smiled softly and stroked his cheek lovingly.

"Hey (Your Name) how's- OH MY DEATH I AM SO SORRY!" I heard Soul yell.

I turned my head to see him standing in the doorway. My cheeks instantly turned red.

"What's all this ye- OH MY DEATH SOUL YOU'RE A PERVERT!" I then heard Taylor yell.

"GET OUT!" I screamed causing the baby to start crying from the loud yelling that scared him.

Taylor and Soul ran into each other but then both ran out quickly.

I looked down at my baby who was in tears. I rocked him slowly and whispered soothing things to him like Kid use to do for me.

Soon enough he calmed down and I finished feeding him. I kissed his little nose making him scrunch it up. I giggled at his cuteness then fixed my gown so my breasts were hidden.

"Okay you two can come in now." I said loudly.

Both of them walked in and Soul was the first to say "(Your Name) I am so so so sorry! That was so uncool of me! But I didn't kn- Is that the baby?!"

"Of course it's the baby idiot! No Soul she's just holding a white bundle for no reason." Taylor said sarcastically. Soul simply glared at her before giving her the bird.

I laughed softly at both of them. I'm glad Taylor made Soul playful again. I'm also glad that Soul made Taylor smile.

"You two are cute together." I commented looking down at my baby.

Taylor's cheek instantly turned red. "W-what!? Y-yah right ha!" She quickly turned her head making me grin.

"What's wrong Taylor? Someone's looking a little... Shy." I laughed softly.

Soul glanced at her and blushed as well. I grinned and said "You know Soul it's so uncool to just stare at pretty girl like that."

Soul's cheeks burned crimson before he quickly looked to the ground. "S-sorry- wait no! I-I mean-"

"HA YOU CALLED ME PRETTY NERD!" Taylor said grinning like a idiot.

I laughed softly and heard a small sneeze come from my arms. Both Soul and Taylor looked at me and smiled. They both walked over and Taylor moved the blanket a little so that she could see his little face.

"Wow.." Soul whispered in surprise. "H-he.. Kid.." He mumbled. I turned my head to look at him and could tell he was thinking of old memories. Old memories of the whole gang together. Me, Paige, Tsubaki, Maka, Patti, Liz, Soul, Black*Star, and of course Kid.

"Hey you remember that one time? We were all playing basketball and I think it was Paige who did it? Anyway she tripped you and you got so mad. Kid like ran to so fast to see if you were alright. That was really cool of him you know?" Soul said running a hand threw his hair.

"Or that one time when we all went to the mall and we went to the arcade, well Paige and I did. But when we were passing we saw you and Kid cuddling in that old store." Soul laughed softly. "You should have seen the look on Paige's face.. It was priceless."

Soul's eyes started to show a sadness in them. "O-or even the one time where.. We had a slumber party and.. " Soul's voice cracked. "M-me and Paige had our first kiss there." He laughed dryly. "She.. she made me promise not to tell you." Tears ran down Soul's cheek freely now. "Death.. I miss her so.. so much." He quickly wiped his cheeks grinning sadly. "I-I'm sorry (Your Name). This is really uncool of me."

I shook my head and said "Soul-" But I was cut off when Taylor hugged Soul tightly.

"D-don't cry Soul.." She whispered. Soul looked surprise but I could tell he didn't care at the moment. His arms went around her waist and he hugged her tightly as he cried softly in her shoulder. I watched as she held him tightly while stroking his pure white hair gently.

After awhile he had finally pulled away, wiping his cheeks softly. The baby had fallen back asleep awhile ago. "Wow.. That was pretty uncool of me.." Soul chuckled softly.

"No it's not you idiot. You lost a loved one and that really fudging hurts." Taylor said.

Soul nodded sadly as he looked down. He looked ready to cry again.  "I just-"

"WHERE'S MY LITTLE BABY GRANDSON?!" The door slammed open and Lord Death ran, or should I say floated quickly inside the room. "WHERE IS THE LITTLE BUNDLE OF JOY?!" He squealed, and with that the baby woke up with a loud cry.

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