Chapter Thirty Five - Meeting Our Family

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I do not own Soul Eater nor do I own anything mentioned in this x reader.

"Oh his name is.. DJ? Yah DJ.. it stands for Death Jr. though." I smiled softly and looked down at the little boy in my arms. "Do you like that name little DJ?" I questioned softly smiling.

"Oh DJ! I love it! Such a strong name! I remember this one time me and a friend were talking and he said that DJ reminds him of Satan. So funny!" Lord Death chuckled.

"O-oh yah sure.." I said awkwardly.

"Well then I have to be going now. I have business to do. See you two later! Bye bye little DJ!" Lord Death tapped his nose making him smiled happily. Lord Death chuckled and floated out of the room and shut the door behind him gently.

"Wow.. Lord Death is really childish." Taylor commented softly.

I laughed and nodded. "Yah you could say that again."

Taylor reached her hands over to me and made grabby hands. "What?" I questioned.

"Baby. I want." She said as she continued with the grabby hands.

I smiled and shook my head as I gently gave her DJ. Taylor took him into her arms, cradling him softly. "Hey little man." She cooed smiling. "I'm your aunty Taylor by the way in case you wondering." She giggled. DJ started making soft noises to her making me smile happily.

"Man he's adorable. Makes me wonder what Kid looked like when he was younger." Taylor mumbled smiling.

I nodded and just watched Taylor talk soothingly to DJ. This was so peaceful. Nothing could wreck this mome-

"YAAAH WHOOOO! WHERE'S THAT BABY NOW?!" I quickly turned my head and see Black*Star crash threw the door with Tsubaki quickly running after him.

DJ got scared from the loud noises and burst out crying. "AHH WHAT'S WRONG? THE GREAT AND ALMIGHTY BLACK*STAR IS HERE NOW!"

"MAKA CHOP!" Maka chopped Black*Star harshly causing him to groan and grab his head. "Your scaring him Black*Star!" Maka yelled at him.

"Oh my Death! I brought you guys here to see the baby and this is how you guys act?!" Soul groaned leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"I MADE A PAPER GIRAFFE FOR THE BABY TOO BY THE WAY!" Patti yelled excitedly as she ran into the room.

"Patti! Hush! Your going to scare the poor thing." Liz groaned softly as she walked in after her sister.

Meanwhile DJ's crying had subsided thanks to Taylor. She went over to me and sat down closely next to me. "Take your little boy." She said gently putting him into my arms.

Everyone turned my way once DJ had sneezed softly in my arms.

"Is that.. the baby?" Maka questioned curiously.

Black*Star quickly went over to my other side and carefully moved the blanket to see little DJ's face. "W-whoa.. It's like.. Kid Jr.over here."

"Really? I wanna see." Maka said as she pushed Black*Star a little to see now.

"Kiddo Jr. ?? Seriously!" Patti quickly went under Maka and Black*Star to see. Liz simply walked over towering over everyone to see the baby.

"Wow.. Kiddo.." Patti mumbled softly.

"His name is DJ.. Death Jr. " I smiled and nuzzled him making him grasp onto my hair in his small hand.

"Awww." Tsubaki mumbled softly smiling.

"Whoa.. Touch his cheek." Black*Star said. I gently stroked his little cheek with love. "Ok.. now rub his head." I soothingly rubbed his head feeling some soft peach fuzz hair. "Ok.. tickle his cheek a little." I nodded and softly tickled his cheek making him giggle.

"Aww." Maka whispered smiling. She had gotten over the whole Kid thing awhile ago. So I just let her almost messing up me relationship with Kid slide.

"Okay now-"

"Black*Star would you like to hold him?" I said sighing.

"W-what?! No! Are you kidding me? I'll break him on accident!" Black*Star exclaimed making me laugh.

"Black*Star I don't think you can break him. Just don't drop him." I gently place DJ into Black*Star's arms.

Black*Star instantly stiffened and didn't move at all. He barely even breathed. "Am I doing it right?" He asked as if strained.

I laughed as did every one else. "Black*Star loosen up a bit! He's gonna be fine."

Black*Star loosened his muscles up a bit and looked down at DJ. DJ waved his arms around cutely making Black*Star blush. Black*Star gently took one of his little hands and DJ grabbed onto it. Black*Star started huffing before bawling. "O-oh my death! H-HE'S JUST SO CUTE!"

I laughed and said "Is the great and alright Black*Star crying?"

"N-no!" He said obviously crying. "There's dirt in my eye!"

After Black*Star's emotional break down everyone got to hold DJ.

DJ had squealed so loudly and cutely when Patti made funny faces at him. Then when Tsubaki held him he just pretty much buried his face into her breasts. He had grabbed Maka's pigtails and tugged on them when it was her turn. He started crying when Liz took him and she had quickly given him back to me.

"See you guys later!" I said waving smiling happily as everyone left.

"When you get out of here party at my house! Bring the cutie." Mama smiled brightly.

"Me and Tsubaki are going shopping for clothes and toys! I'm gonna be the best uncle ever!" Black*Star grinned making Tsubaki giggle.

I watched them all walk out smiling. I looked down at DJ who stared up at me with his innocent little eyes. I smiled down at him and whispered "I hope you like your family DJ. We're all gonna protect you."

DJ cutely gave me a toothless grin, as if saying yes.

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