Chapter Twenty - Heart Break and Life

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I do not own Soul Eater nor do I own any characters mentioned in this x reader.

I woke up in the morning without Kid by my side. "Kid?" I called out confused. I then noticed the note. I picked it up and read it to myself.

'Dear (Your Name), I'm so sorry but I can't be with you. I love you with all my heart and that's why I had to leave. I'm dangerous and I could hurt you easily. Please don't go look for me. If you do then only bad will come from it. I'm sorry I had to do this to you my love. But you will find another that you can share your life with. I don't regret anything in my past. I would have done it all over again just to be with you. I love you (Your Name)... Never forget that.'

There were wet spots on the letter. I cried softly shaking my head. "N-no Kiddo..." I just got him back. I cried for so long in that room still naked from last night.

Finally after so long I got up and got dressed. I paid for my stay and walked out of the inn, out of that village, and back home.

I wouldn't go after him. Not again. He didn't want me to and I would respect my lovers wishes. He was wrong though. I wouldn't get over him. I wouldn't find another one to love. Kid was my only love and would always be my only love.

I would never forget my Kid.


I had finally gotten home about two months ago. Paige had yelled at me so loudly but hugged me so tightly. She had made me smile and laugh again though.

I had told Lord Death about Kid and well he seemed... Like nothing. He simply had nodded and told me he needed some time alone. But you can tell he's mourning over his son. Death City hasn't been really cheerful and you can tell Lord Death tries to be happy.

I had told all our friends and they had made me smile and laugh again as well. They knew it was hard on me to have to say goodbye to Kid. Hell even Maka was nice to me.

I was back in school again. Paige and I of course. Lord Death said that since I had went to go looking for his son that my sudden absents had mysteriously disappeared. So I could still turn Paige into a Death Weapon.

At the moment I was trying to help Paige with soul perception. "How did you do it?!" She said getting mad since she couldn't preform it right.

"I don't know. It just happened when I was with Kid in class." I shrugged softly.

She growled and tried again. "This is frikin impossible!" She crossed her arms.

I sighed and said "Clear your mind and think of only souls. Think of how they look, how each and one of them are different."

"Your making me hungry." She mumbled with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and gasped. "Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip it worked!!" She bounced happily on her bed since we were sitting down on it.

I laughed and said "You can see my soul then?"

She looked down and nodded laughing. Then she tilted her head and said "I think my soul perception is broken..."

"What? Why do you say that?" I asked confused.

"Because you have two souls. One right here" she pointed to my chest. "-and one right here." She pointed to my belly.

"Your pregnant?!" Soul shrieked like a girl from the doorway.

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