031 nightmare

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031. nightmare

gracie's eyes slowly fluttered open, her arm protectively wrapped around vivianne's waist, with the actress's head tucked under her chin

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gracie's eyes slowly fluttered open, her arm protectively wrapped around vivianne's waist, with the actress's head tucked under her chin. vivianne was asleep, with her arm wrapped around gracie as well, their legs tangled. gracie sighed after remembering what vivianne told her last night, causing her to frown at the thought. she ran her hand through the younger girl's hair, trying not to wake her up while doing so. it was quiet in the bedroom, weenie and willow asleep at the end of the bed, and the only thing gracie could hear right now is the waves splashing loudly in the beach.

gracie slowly leaned forward, pressing a soft and loving kiss to the top of vivianne's head, leaving her lips there for a moment before pulling away.

gracie thought about what vivianne had told her last night, she remembered how she told her what her father was like, and how he would hit her and her mom. that broke gracie's heart, and honestly, she hated herself for not realising what was going on. she had no idea that vivianne was hurting, and she hated herself for not finding out earlier. gracie continued to run her hand through vivianne's long brown hair, kissing the top of her head again before closing her eyes and trying to go back to sleep, wanting to stay in that comfortable position for longer. gracie didn't know what time it was, but she didn't care, she just wanted to sleep with the beautiful girl in her arms.

as she tried to go back to sleep, she suddenly heard a whimper come from the actress, and gracie opened her eyes with furrowed eyebrows, looking down at her girlfriend. suddenly, vivianne shot up with a gasp, breathing heavily, and her hands shaking.

gracie immediately sat up and grabbed vivianne's arms, a worried look on her face.

"hey, hey, hey," gracie softly said, staring at the girl who was still panicking, "vee, it's okay, it's okay".

vivianne's bottom lip quivered, the girl just woken up from having a nightmare.

"he...he—" vivianne stammered, still shaking, "he was there and—".

"he's not here, okay? it's just you and me," gracie reassured her, gently cupping her cheeks to make vivianne look at her. when vivianne looked at gracie, the singer let out a small smile, "see? it's just me and you".

gracie leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to vivianne's forehead before wrapping her arms around the girl, hugging her. vivianne melted into the hug, wrapping her arms around gracie and hiding her face on her chest, sighing slowly and starting to calm down. vivianne felt gracie slowly rub circles on her back, kissing the top of her head a few times to try and comfort her.

"sorry," the muffled voice against gracie's shirt said.

"i thought i banned you from saying that," gracie joked, causing the younger girl to giggle, her arms around the singer tightening, "come here".

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