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They reached home and hobi is sleeping on minho lap and he tale him to his room and changbin said " he will be ok till tomorrow".

Now Minho tell what hobi and changbin tell them now they kidnapped four boys and kill them.

Next day wake up and see hobi is make food for them and they came down and happily said " good morning hyung". They nodded but they smile. They thought he is really a Sunshine.

He served them food and he eat left food and sit on floor. They are happy
But hobi got Bullied im school and he also tell changbin said " so what maybe you deserve it that's why they bully you".

They beat him and do many things with him like say things to buy for them.

Hobi said to them but they ignore him. Hana see them and he didn't like.
He go han room and grab his file and
Give it to opponents. And said " i someone ask who give you say hoseok ".

Next morning, start and stray kids get ready and go to office and get ready for meeting and they start meeting.

Guest said " sorry we are not interested because someone else also show us this same thing and I am interested in them and I think you should work on your own thinks not to copy someone idea".

Now stray kids were angry and opponents came and said " you should not copy ". " You are the one who did that ". " How will you prove that ". " Who give you that ". " Hoseok baby".

When stray kids here this they got angry and go home and when they see hobi. Chan slap him hand and grab his hair tightly and pull him towards basement and beat him badly and said " how dare you to betrayed us ".

Now they make take him out of his house and now hobi is badly injured and faint. Someone see him and take him to hospital and when he wake up
and he see man in mid age 22. " How are you" " I am fine and thank you".

Now find house for himself and wish that he never see stray kids again.
He see girl is crying and he go towards her and said " do you candy". She nodded and hobi said " why are you crying". " Mamma" she hug him and start crying. " Who is your mamma". " You ". " Me ". She nodded and give me note and there is photo also of me and ji ho and soo-min. She said " in Letter she said if she die then you will be my mamma".

Hobi read letter for him. It say

Hello hobi

I know you are innocent Omega who think of other and save them from.
I am sorry that I treat you like that.
I know the truth that it's not your fault what happened you didn't try to kill. Nari was the one who want kill me and put everything on you. She manipulate me and other that you are wrong but you are pure and innocent.
If you are reading this means I am dead and you have to take care of my daughter and my husband and I know you will.

I am sorry

Hobi read this and said " are you soo-min". She nodded and said " why are you crying". " Because dad are going to marry nari aunty". " Ok". " I didn't like her and she also beat me ". " Really and so what do you want ". " Mamma you marry to my dads please also mammy want that ". " What's your age ". " 6 year old". " You go home now". She nodded and hug me.

Hobi POV:

I think they hate me for what i didn't do. Soo min said " tomorrow is there weddings what should I do ". I know that nari is bad and I have to save them even if they do bad things to 4 years ago.

Next day, I go to there house and see nari was about to get ready. I hit him on his head and she got unconscious and i wear weddings dress and hide my face and go down.

I see BTS all of them wear black suit and looking so handsome and now hobi again fall in love with them.
His heart is beating seeing them again and this handsome. His heart is saying I love them.

Prist start the ceremony. And he said wear ring and I put in namjoon hyung hand and he put in mine and prist said " you are husbands from now onwards. You make kiss ".

That time nari said " stop this marriage"." Prist said " wedding is done and they are husbands and wife". " No i am the bride ". BTS said " nari you there then who is here and whom we marry ".

BTS see and said " hoseok what are you doing here". Soo-min came and said " mamma ". And hug him. He pick him and said " yes soo-min ". Taehyung grab his arm and said " what are you doing ". " Tae hyung I am you wife. Let's go and talk later everyone is looking".

I enjoyed with soo-min. After everyone leave jimin grab my hand and said " what are you doing and why are you here in place of nari ".
Nari said " he hit me on my head and I got unconscious ".

BTS got angry and said " who do you think of yourself. First you try to kill ji ho and now nari". Nari said " you love them that's why you marry them ". When BTS hear this grab his neck and said " don't ever think to take ji ho place you are not our wife or whatever you are". He slap him and said " his is for hitting her".

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