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"Reiko, I swear to god you are the laziest person ever." My best friend, Kimi, pulled me through the high school hallway.

"I don't wanna gooo!" I whined, using my feet to use friction. She saw what I was doing and let go of my wrist, causing me to topple backwards.

I squeezed my eyes shut to feel the impact of the floor, but it never came. I opened one eye and saw that I had been caught by the nerdiest nerd who could ever nerd this Earth, Light Yagami.

I looked up at him with both of my bright green eyes and smiled sheepishly. "Hi, Light.... How are you doing on this lovely day?" I asked. "Pretty good. And yourself?" He asked, amused. "You know, the usual. Loosing my balance, getting dragged places, falling over, getting people to catch me. Nothing really different." I said and stood up, getting out of his arms.

"Thanks for participating in today's trip and fall of the day. Maybe some other day you'll be a lucky contestant again." I smiled and he chuckled before walking off.

Kimi was laughing her ass off behind me, so I turned and hit her upside her head. "Thanks a lot you little..." "Rei, calm down. It isn't that big a deal. Besides, you did fine and I might've just landed you a boyfriend." She winked. "Kimi no!" I yelled as she skipped away.

Soon she was no where to be found, so I decided to just go home. Once I was there, I changed into more comfortable clothing, being a tiny black shirt and white short shorts with knee high socks and my combat boots. I did my makeup dark and grabbed my phone from its charger and my wallet and went to go get ice cream or something.

I made my way down the street to my favourite ice cream shop, when I bumped into a hunched over man. "Oh, sorry! This is really my day for bumping into people, isn't it?" I hummed to myself.

I then looked at the man I bumped into. He seemed kinda young, pale skin, dark bags under nearly black eyes. He wore a long sleeved white T shirt and blue jeans with sneakers.

"Are you Reiko Fujioka?" He asked and I paused, pursing my lips. "Yes... And you are...?" I started. "You're H?" He said, eyeing me and my eyes widened. "Holy shit, dude! Keep your voice down! I don't wanna go to jail!" I hissed. "It's fine. I'm not sending you to jail, calm down. My name is L." He said.

"Haha! No way! The L?" I smirked and he nodded. "Cool. Wanna go get ice cream?" I said and he looked at me suspiciously. "Well, I was gonna go get ice cream and then I bumped into you, and you seem to know who I am, and I'm betting you wanna talk to me, so... Ice cream?" I said with a smile.

"Sure. Lead the way." He said and I smiled widely and walked with him to the ice cream placey place. I got up to the counter and the worker behind the counter instantly recognised me. "Waffle cone, one scoop peach, one scoop strawberry, and one scoop banana?" He said. "You got it!" I grinned. "And for you, sir?" He asked L. "Sundae with all the toppings, strawberry ice cream." He said and the worker got us our ice creams. I paid and we went to sit on a bench.

"Were you searching me out or something?" I asked him as I got ice cream on my nose. I tried to lick it off, but my tongue doesn't reach that far, so with a huff, I wiped it off with my hand. He stared at me questionably.

"In fact, yes I was. How did you know?" He asked, popping the cherry into his mouth. "Well, normally you don't bump into someone on the street and immediately ask their name and criminal alias." I snickered. "True."

"So why were you looking for me?" I asked, getting ice cream all around my mouth. What? I was a messy eater.

"That's yet to be seen. You're a criminal. Why hasn't Kira killed you yet?" He asked. "Well, I don't know honestly. I'm just waiting any day now to randomly bite the dust." I snickered.

"You want to know why Kira hasn't killed you yet?" He asked. "Sure. Why am I not dead?" I asked. "Because Kira doesn't know your real name nor does he know what your face look like." He said and I smiled. "I'm doing good!" I cheered happily.

"Wait, why are you telling me this?" I asked. "I'm here to catch Kira, and I am building up a group to help me catch him. I'd like you to join." He said.

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