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I woke up in a bright room and squeezed my eyes shut the minute I opened them. "She's awake!" A voice said and I just tried to relax into my pillow.

"H, can you hear us?" "Yes. Can you shut up?" I sighed. "Okay that's good... Wait..." Matsuda said and everyone in the room laughed softly.

"Where the fuck am I?" I asked, slowly working my eyes open. "Back in your room at headquarters." Light answered. "When did I get here?" I asked. "Yesterday afternoon. You've been asleep for three days, H. You had a pretty serious concussion. How do you feel?" Light asked. "Kinda tired, kinda hungry, kinda thirsty. No, scratch that. Very thirsty." I said, and had my eyes open finally.

Everyone on the task force was in my room, even Misa. L just wasn't here. That kinda hurt my feelings, but I didn't let it show.

"Where's uh... Douchey pervert man?" I asked. "Adam? Oh he's dead." Light answered. "Okay. He was the American Kira." I said and Light nodded. "He confessed after you fell asleep. Police killed him on the spot." He explained.

Matsuda, who left to go get food and water for me, came back in with a tray. I smiled as he set it on my lap. "Thanks, man." I smiled and drank half the bottle of water before starting to eat.

"We'll let you eat and rest. L should be in here soon to ask you some questions about what happened." Light's dad said. I nodded while stuffing some fries in my mouth and they all walked out. I had a sudden craving for crappy cheeseburgers and fries. I looked down at the chicken strips and fries. Eh, at least I got half of my wish.

When I was done, I started on a piece of chocolate cake that was brought. Again, don't really like cake, but oh my shit that thing looked delicious.

There was a knock on the door and I answered while chewing. "Yep." The door opened and L stepped in and took his regular seated position on the chair next to my bed. "The cameras and taps in this room are turned off, so please answer the questions without sparing the dirty bits." He said and I nodded. "Cake?" I offered him. "No. That's for you." He refused to look at me.

"Did you go with him?" "No, he grabbed me and dragged me out." "When was this?" "When I left to get a drink." "What did he do first?" "Well, he dragged me into this empty hallway and had me pressed against the wall... Then he said I looked 'ravishing' in the dress..." "And then?" "Well, I don't remember it that clearly, but I think he said that if he couldn't have me, then no one else could..." I thought for a moment.

"Then he said he was going to kill me, but he wanted to tell me he was Kira first. Then I tried to kick him, and that when he struck me or hit me over my head. I fell and then he got creepy. He wrote my name down in this notebook that's supposed to kill someone forty seconds after you write their name down. I didn't die, so I think he was going to rape me or something... Then someone kicked him in the face... I think." I hummed.

"One last question..." He asked and I put the last bite of cake in my mouth. "Yes?" "Did he touch you? Kiss you? Anything?" L sounded pained as he asked this. "No." I said and L nodded. "Good." He said and got up, moving over to me, and put our lips together faster than anything I've ever witnessed.

My eyes widened, then I closed them, savouring the kiss. L pulled back after a moment and I opened my eyes to stare at him. "If anyone touches you or does anything to you, I swear..." He didn't get to finish since I joined our mouths back together.

"You like me?" I asked when we parted again. "Like you? No." He said and I frowned. "Love you? God yes." L nodded against my forehead. "I thought you didn't care..." I said softly. "Of course I cared." "But after that first kiss..."

"That kiss meant everything, the world, to me. And that day that I said you were pretty? I lied. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. You wouldn't believe how many thoughts I had about you when you wore those dresses. I did a pretty good job of stopping myself before it got noticeable, though." He said and I smiled widely.

"After that first kiss, I decided that I would give anything and everything to kiss you again. And, if I have your permission, I'd love it if I could kiss you everyday from now on." L brushed our lips together. "Of course you can." I said and he moulded them together once more.

"I love you." L breathed against my face, now standing over me as I sat up in bed. "I love you." I smiled and reached up to tangle my fingers in his hair as we kissed and kissed and kissed.

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