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The next day I was ready by ten, just hanging around and waiting for the right time to leave. I was in black ripped shorts and a black tank top with a red blazer and red and black wedges. I had my wallet and phone and everything, I was just really early.

"You're seriously going to go meet those guys?" L asked and a few glances were shot around. "Yes, L. I am." I sighed from the couch. "You're going to meet some guys?" Misa asked from next to me. "It's not a big deal. Just two of them, and another female." I shrugged. "Okay, when I said 'scandalous' I didn't mean like this." Misa said and I hit her shoulder. "I'm not meeting them like that! Just for some ice cream and a 'hey, how've you been?'" I said.

"Who are they?" Light asked. "I'm not telling." I said. "So they're from your past. You're real life that includes your real name and real stuff that you won't give out only if you're given information." Misa said. "Bingo." I winked. "Ryuzaki, tell her something about yourself!" She said quickly.

"Whoop! Ten forty five, I've gotta go..." I said jumping up. "I am an orphan." L's voice stopped my movement. I paused and bit my lip. "Those two men are my brothers." I said and walked out.

I walked to the ice cream shop, and it seemed I was here before them, so I got my normal, and sat at a table. The door opened and three people sat by me. "Ripper. Grimm. Jinx. It's great to see you all." I smiled widely. "Oh, baby, I've missed you!" The woman in blonde pigtails, Jinx, reached over and hugged me. "I've missed you too." I smiled, inhaling her scent I loved.

"No love for me?" Grimm sighed and I leaned over and hugged him. "And me?" Ripper asked and I was a bit wary. "Promise not to stab me?" "Now why would I stab my baby sister?" He said and I hugged him. "I'm not a baby anymore." I muttered.

"It's almost October. You're going to be legal soon." Jinx sighed. "Baby sister's growing up." Grimm sighed. "Not a baby!" I said angrily. "Let's get some ice cream and walk around a bit. I miss Japan." Jinx sighed and they left me at the table.

I looked over at them. My eldest brother, Ripper was his criminal name, wore a white button up shirt with the first few unbuttoned and some dark dress pants. He got his name for being an abusive sociopath with temper and rage issues. He liked to kill with knives and other various sharp instruments.

Grimm is the middle child. He wore a dark shirt with a light blue tie to 'make his eyes pop' as he would put it. Grimm was very narcissistic and vacuous, and I don't really know how he got his name. I just knew that he wore makeup to make himself prettier, but he wasn't a drag queen or anything. He was quite the ladies' man.

Jinx, with a short red skirt and black tank top with red jean jacket, was my mother. I've no clue how she got her name either, and I don't really know what she did. If people say that I'm like Harley Quinn, they've never met my mother.

So Ripper was a murderer, Grimm stole things to make him look pretty, Jinx probably did what she wanted, just like me. This is our family.

Once they had their ice cream, we were walking around outside. "What made you three come to Japan? Last I heard you were stuck in Doncaster." I said. "Well, we got out. We heard our own little H was number one over here, we had to come and see." Ripper put his arm around me. "And to congratulate you." Grimm smiled over at me. "Thanks." I sighed.

"I honestly thought I'd never see you guys again." I sighed, wiping away a tear that was making its way out of my eye. "Oh don't cry, sweetie. We're here now." Jinx moved over and hugged me, taking me from Ripper.

"I'm sorry, I missed you guys so much. I've lived alone almost three years now. I was sure I was going crazy or something." I worked to hold my tears in. "I was scared to call. I thought you guys would think I abandoned you or something like that." I said and Jinx stroked my hair. "No, honey, never. We understand why you ran. You were only fifteen. You were scared. We get it." She said.

"So..." I started once I cleared myself up back to normal. "How's your lives been?" I asked and a laugh rumbled through them. "That's our H. Completely ignoring her feelings at all costs." Ripper said. "Not true!" I fought back.

"So, what about this Kira then?" Grimm nudged me. "What about him?" I said. "You sure it's a him?" Ripper looked at me. "What?" I said and they all gave me a look. "Okay, let me be the first to admit, I'm not Kira." I said and they nodded.

"I'd actually love to know how Kira does it. I mean, to kill off anyone you want with just a name and face. It's fascinating." I said. "Who would you kill first, then?" Ripper asked. "I think we all know the answer to that one." I said.

"Adrielle." We nodded collectively. "Too bad she's already dead. I'd have her die in the most painful of ways." I growled. "Okay, calm down there, H. You can write down all your little murder fantasies in your diary." Grimm said. "I don't have a diary." I said.

We walked around and talked for hours, until I felt that I needed to get back, so I gave goodbyes and 'we should meet up soon' and left for the building.

I went up to my room and got dressed in a large T shirt and that's fucking it. L walked in and lied down beside me. "I'm sorry I got jealous." He said softly. "L, it's fine. I understand. Technically it's my fault for not telling you they were my brothers, so..." I shrugged.

"Do you mean close as brothers or biological brothers?" He asked. "Biological brothers." I nodded. "I'll give you a free pass for this one." I said and he nodded. "The cameras and taps are off." He said and I sighed.

"Born and raised in England. Doncaster, to be exact. Older brother, he goes by Ripper, and another older one, he goes by Grimm. Our mother, she goes by Jinx, she had a hard time raising us. Our dad was almost never home, and when he rarely was, he was either extremely drunk, or extremely high. We weren't the richest either, so Ripper, Grimm, and I helped our mom out by stealing from grocery stores and clothing places. We were almost never caught. When we were, which was rare... Dad got pissed. And no one likes him when he's pissed." I laughed a little.

"One day, when I was twelve, I woke up to the cops in our house. Dad had been murdered in his bed, and Ripper had done it. The police didn't know this, so they didn't arrest him. He told us later, though, and the three of us kept our mouths shut for him. We were free from that poison bastard now. We carried on as we usually did, minus one. One day when I was thirteen, Grimm got an idea to rob a bank to get us some money. It wasn't a very bright plan. I was the youngest, so I was a distraction while the two older boys did the work. I did my job, but they got caught. We managed to convince the police it was a prank, and they let us go.

"Mom was pissed, though. She was an ex-convict, and she taught us how to be criminals. We didn't want to be official, but it was to help out the family. So, we became Ripper, Grimm, H, and Jinx." L's eyes were trained on me.

"We got along fine, actually became pretty rich. When I was fifteen, one girl figured out who we were and what we were doing. She called the cops and lead them to where we were. The cops arrested my brothers and mom, but I ran. I ran my ass off. I hid for a while, until I managed to find out where she lived, and I burned her house down. Her inside. They caught me laughing in the lawn, and took me to an asylum to be analysed. I was diagnosed a criminally insane psychopath. Much to my amusement, I escaped that night. I got on the first plane halfway across the world. Japan. I created a new persona as Reiko Fujioka, some extended family of my mom's didn't mind, got a house, and being a nighttime criminal as H when I can." I said, finally looking up at L.

"It's been this way almost three years, and now my family is back." I smiled happily.

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