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I was watching the cameras one day while Lawliet was lying down on his side in the middle of the room, away from everyone else. Everyone else being Light, Misa, and I.

"Honestly, what do you even see in him?" Light hissed to me. I took a stack of papers and hit him on the back of his head with them before putting them back neatly. His forehead hit the desk in front of him. "Ow!" He exclaimed and I smiled.

"He's a cutie." I smiled proudly, seeing Lawliet look over and smile at me before turning back around. "Ryuzaki! Your girlfriend is psycho!" Light yelled. I picked up the stack of papers again and Light moved away from me.

"Don't call her psycho, Light. She doesn't like that. Try 'ecstatic criminal'." L said. I just smiled widely. "He knows me so well." I sighed and sat back down, putting the papers down, so Light moved back beside me.

"So he knows everything about you?" He asked. "Yep." I smiled. "Even your name?" "Yep." "Wow. Do you know his?" I decided not to answer. "You do, don't you? Tell me!" Light said. "No. I won't unless he wants me to." I said. "I don't want you to." L spoke up and I grinned. "My lips are sealed."

"Ryuzaki, I thought we were friends!" Light said. "We are, but I still suspect you of being Kira." L said and I laughed. "Light, you've just increased your chances." I smiled. Light gave me a look. The same look he gave me when I found out Light was Kira.

L got up and came over, taking my hand and dragging me out. "Where are you two going?" Light asked. "I can't concentrate." L said. "So?" "She helps me concentrate." He said and we went into my room again. Cameras and taps were off, as usual.

My eyes soon met Lawliet's. "How am I helping you 'concentrate' today?" I asked, my hand reaching up and playing with his hair. "I want to hear about your family." He said and we moved to the bed.

I sat down and he lied down, his head in my lap. I played with his hair. "Well, I don't have a dad. I have two brothers and a mom. You know, Ripper, Grimm, and Jinx. Ripper's name is Louie, Grimm is Pierce, and Jinx is Blair. Oh, and I'm Henley, obviously. We're the Germelman's." I smiled. "Do you each have different criminal fields?" He asked.

"Yeah. Ripper sticks with murder. Grimm is narcissistic, so he steals stuff to make people pretty. Jinx is like me, a little all over the place. Y'know, steals what I want when I want, murders if I want, does really whatever we want." I shrugged.

"Henley Germelman. That's a beautiful name." Lawliet sighed. "Really? I've been told it's a nerd name." I laughed. "Nerd names can also be beautiful." L rolled his eyes. "Well I think L Lawliet is a beautifully gorgeous name myself." I smiled, leaning down and kissing his lips.

He looked up at me with hazy eyes and blinked. "What did I do to deserve you?" He sighed, relaxing back into my lap. "Nouns and verbs." I answered and he scoffed. "You are such a smartass!" He laughed. "I know. It's a talent." I flipped my hair.

"I love you." He breathed. "I love you." I smiled happily.


I turned on the cameras in H's room, hoping I wouldn't see anything too bad. L had his head in H's lap, and she was leaned over kissing him.

Let me be the first to admit, it's weird seeing L kiss anybody.

"What did I do to deserve you?" L asked, looking up at her with an emotion I couldn't name. "Nouns and verbs." H grinned happily. L scoffed and said, "you are such a smartass!" It's also rare and weird to hear him swear. "I know. It's a talent." H flipped her hair.

They paused and just stared at each other. "I love you." L said. "I love you." H smiled.


"Aw, they're so cute. Why can't we be like that, Light?" Misa whined. I just leaned over and pecked her lips. I've learned to do this often when she got whiny. It shut her up for a good couple of hours.

That, and also because Misa has some very soft lips. She doesn't wear makeup on her lips that often, so they aren't sticky and disgusting. That was only once for a commercial, and she kissed me, and I have never gotten over that sticky feeling. All she has is a balm that keeps them smooth and soft.

And I'm distracted again. H and L were making out pretty heavily in her room, and L's shirt was coming off, so I turned off the cameras and taps right there. Didn't know they were intimate, either.

Like I needed to know that, ew. I honestly didn't think L had it in him. I thought he was just one of those people who didn't care about sex. Now that I think about it, he's still a human with normal reactions and stuff. Only thing that might be shockingly different is his brain. He's still a human man with needs and everything else.

And that's an image I would never like to picture again.

At least H seems to enjoy it.

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