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The next day I slept until one. This party started at nine, so I had eight hours. Instead of sleeping, I went over to the guys' room and hung out there.

Mainly it was me spread across the couch watching whatever Light was watching. "Hey." I poked his arm with my foot. "What?" He asked, looking over. "I came up with some new nicknames for you." "Oh? Do share." L jumped in.

"Okay, we've got Lightbulb, Flashlight, the Dumber L, Lighter, and Highlight." I said and L just smiled widely. "I love these nicknames she has for you." He sighed to Light. "Do you have any nicknames for Ryuzaki?" Light asked.

"You mean other than L, Justice Man, Batman, and Motherfucking Genius? Nah." I shrugged. L laughed softly.

We watched TV and talked a lot until it was five and I went back to my room to get myself ready. I did my makeup different and did my hair and shaved again. I put on lotion and perfume and finally slid on my dress. By the time I was done it was seven thirty, so I lounged around while trying not to fuck myself up.

At eight we left in a limo and got there at eight forty five. It was an understatement to say that L just couldn't take his eyes off of me, and I started to sense that he had a little feelings for me. I couldn't stop smiling at this new deduction.

We got acquainted with some people and met new ones, and I kept my smile on. Right now L was talking with some business men and women about what he did in Japan, and I was answering other questions.

"Oh my God, you're beautiful." "Thank you." I smiled, and thought of that moment in Frozen when Elsa and Anna were looking at each other during the party. Guess I was Elsa in this moment.

"Your hair is lovely. How did you get it this colour?" One girl asked. "Lots of bleach and the right hair dye mix." I smiled falsely again. "Are you like a drag queen or something?" "Faux queen." "You look familiar. Have I seen you somewhere before?" "This is my first time in the states. I live over in Japan, so probably not." I shrugged, and that erupted laughter.

A hand slid around my waist and rested on my back, and I turned and saw L smiling at me. "Did you make a joke?" "Maybe." I smiled at him and he gave a soft smirk to me.

"Is he your boyfriend?" One woman asked. "No, he's my boss, and a very close friend." I said. The girls exchanged looks of knowing. I knew what they were thinking. "They're so fucking."

"I'll be right back, I'm just going to grab a drink." I said and gave Ryuzaki's arm a soft squeeze before turning and walking through a crowd to a bar.

I would've made it, but I was grabbed and dragged out. I was pulled all the way to a separate hallway and pressed against a wall. My mouth was being covered by a hand and another hand was holding me in place and restraining me from fighting back.

"You look so... Ravishing... In that dress, love." A husky voice said in my ear that I recognised to be Adam. "Let me go." I played innocent victim and wiggled around. I knew exactly how to get out of this.

"Oh, you aren't going anywhere, Reiko Fujioka. You know why? Because if I can't have you to myself, then no one can. Not even your boss..." He smiled a disgusting smile at me. "My boss?" My voice came out muffled.

"Oh, it's obvious he's in love with you. But you know, you never see it, you have to be told it to believe it. Fuck the person that said 'seeing is believing'." He laughed.

"Now I'm going to kill you, but I want to tell you something before you die. I'm Kira." He whispered and I lifted my leg to kick him away, but he knocked me over my head. It sent me to the floor, and I'll admit: that hurt and it did throw me off.

I lied on the floor, trying to collect myself as he wrote my name in his little black notebook. He smiled triumphantly and then he checked the time. He looked confused. "You're supposed to die in forty seconds after I wrote your name. It's been a whole minute. Why aren't you dead?" He screamed at me.

My head felt weird. It felt fuzzy and the room was spinning. His voice sounded... Soft? Not fuzzy, but not clear either. My vision started to blur, and I couldn't pick myself up off of the ground.

"You know what? That's fine... I can have fun with your body now, then I'll kill you with my bare hands. Blood and all." He said and reached for me, then it looked like he was kicked in the face.

I blinked hazily as three men fought in front of me. More people came, and started to break them up and help me sit up. I was just getting fuzzier and more exhausted by the second. My head was pounding and the lights seemed really bright.

Soon L'S face was in front of mine. "Hey, hey, H? Can you hear me? Focus on me, H. Don't go to sleep, okay?" He said and I just blinked, my vision blacking out. "Don't go to sleep, H. Stay awake. It's possible you have a concussion, and we need you to stay awake. We're going to get you to a hospital, okay?" He said and I tried nodding, but that hurt.

"No, don't move. You'll just hurt yourself even more. Don't go to sleep, okay, love?" He said and I just hummed. "What? What is it?" "My head hurts..." "Well, we'll take care of that. And that's good. You can still feel." He said and I felt him holding my hand with one of his and another hand on my leg.

"I'm tired..." I sighed, and closed my eyes. "No no no... H you need to stay awake. Light, come here!" He said and another hand propped my head up right.

"Don't go to sleep..." "Damn. She went to sleep." I heard them say as I blacked out.

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