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The next day I got ready for school and met Kimi in home room. "Dude, I texted you like fifty times yesterday. Where were you?" She asked. "I went out for ice cream, made a new friend, talked with him the whole afternoon, sorry." I bit my lip.

"You met a boy?!" She squealed. "What's his name? Tell me everything about him!" She whisper-hissed. "No! Not yet! Maybe tomorrow." I said back. "Why not?" She pouted. "Cos I don't even know if I'm going to see him again!" I giggled.

Oh how off I was.

When school got out there was a limo waiting out front with L leaning against a door. We made eye contact and he walked towards me. "Hello, Reiko." He said. "Hai!" I smiled happily.

"Say goodbye to your friend. You're needed right now." He said and I turned and smiled at Kimi. "See ya later, babe." I said and she nodded, sent me a wink, and walked off. "Come on." L said and lead me towards the limo.

Lots of people were staring and L opened the door for me. I climbed in and he got in after me. "Headquarters." He told the driver.

We drove to a place that looked like a very tall building and L and I went up and to a room full of people. "Put your phone in there, please." L said, pointing to a basket with a bunch of phones already inside. I took mine out of the pocket of my jeans and kissed it. "Bye, baby. Mommy will miss you lots!" I said and gently sat it down.

I then glared at him. "If anything happens to it, and I mean anything, I'm holding it over your head twice." I said and he gave me a small smirk.

"Hello, Ryuzaki." An old man with a moustache said to him. "Hello, Watari. Attention everyone." He said in a normal voice, and yet everyone in the room turned to stare at him.

"We have a new member joining today." He said and eyes were on me now. "Dude, there are cops in here." I hissed. "Calm down. No one is arresting you anytime soon. Everyone, this is H. You quite possibly might've heard of her, being on the list of most wanted criminals." He said and I perked up. "I made the list?! Ooh yay!" I smiled to myself.

"Her? That can't possibly be H. That's just a little schoolgirl!" One cop said. I frowned at him. "Well you don't look like a cop very much yourself!" I snapped.

"Ryuzaki, what are you playing at? That can't be H. That's just a little girl." A tough looking manly man said. I didn't care this time, there were cupcakes in the room. Now, I don't really like cake all that much, but I sure as fucking hell will go for a cupcake.

And even more, Light fucking Yagami was standing right by the cupcakes. "Can I get a cupcake?" I put on a sappy smile for L. "Don't care." He sighed and I skipped over and picked up a chocolate one, throwing a look to Light and mumbling, "just pretend you don't know me." He gave a subtle nod.

I turned back to face L and ate the cupcake, getting icing on my nose. The men were talking and I wasn't paying attention. I was trying to get the icing off with my tongue again. My tongue obviously can't reach that far, why am I even trying? I don't know.

While I was concentrating with crossed eyes and my tongue reaching to touch my nose, each and every person in the room turned to stare.

"H." L said and I looked up. "Yep?" I asked, icing long gone from my mind. "Any way you could prove to these people that you are H?" He asked. "Well, I'm not in uniform, am I?" I said, giving up and wiping the topic my nose with my finger and then licking the icing off.

"Give me like... Eh, thirty minutes. No, you know what? Why don't we just go to my place?!" I hummed, putting half of the cupcake in my mouth. "Why would we go over to yours?" Light asked. "Because I don't have any clue about where I am." I said sheepishly.

"Watari, you can drive her to her house, wait while she gets in uniform, and drive her back here. Oh, and it is a Friday. H, you might want to pack some clothes too." L said and I nodded. "Kay! Let's go!" I stole another cupcake and skipped to the door.

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