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The next day I sat on my bed and was just hella bored. I decided to go shopping. Cos why the hell not?

I got dressed in a striped crop top and black shorts with my combat boots and grabbed my wallet and phone and left while pulling on a jacket. No need in asking the boys, they wouldn't want to come anyway.

I walked a bit to an outdoors mall. I found a few American stores I liked, so I bought a few things from each. I then grew a little hungry, so I found a little vendor for pizza. I went over and got a slice of cheese pizza and a diet coke.

I turned around and bumped into someone, spilling a little Coke on their shirt. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Here-" I started dabbing at the spot with some napkins I had. "Don't stress yourself. It's fine." A man said and I looked up and found a very handsome man looking down at me. "I don't mind. Especially if it means I get to be aquatinted with a very pretty girl." He smiled.

"Oh, uh, thanks..." I mumbled, blushing slightly. "English too. Bonus." He smiled and held out his hand. "My name's Adam." He said and I took a second to think this over. Come on, H. What's the worst that can happen?

"My name's Reiko." I said and shook it. "Reiko. Is that Japanese?" He asked. I nodded. "English girl with Japanese name. Interesting." "It's a long story." "I've got time to hear it." He smiled and I smiled and nodded. We went over to a bench and sat down.

"Okay, well I don't feel like telling all of it, but my mother was half Japanese, and she liked her culture a lot, so she and my dad just decided to give me a Japanese name. But English is my first language and I have an accent because I was born there and I lived there for five years before we moved to Japan. I've lived there since." I said and he nodded.

"What else are you?" He asked. "German, Japanese, English, and Irish. I'm definitely going to be an alcoholic later in life." I nodded and he laughed. "So you speak English and Japanese?" "Yep." "Any German?" "No German, but I do know Swedish." I said, making him laugh even more.

"Why Swedish?" "Swedish is a funny language. Oh! But you know what language is funnier that I wanna learn? Welsh! They literally have the funniest language ever!" "Really?" "Yeah! Half of their words are misspelled English words like taxi or ambulance, and their numbers are ridiculous, and they literally have no vowels. I heard a joke once that the Welsh gave all their vowels to the Hawaiians." I said and he laughed loud and long.

"Well, what about yourself?" I asked. "Oh, nothing special about me. Born and bred in Cali all my life." He shrugged. "Oh come on, I can't be the only one participating in story time!" I finished my pizza and moved onto finishing my Coke.

"Alright fine..."

L'S P.O.V.

Light went over to get H for strategy meeting, only to find out that she wasn't in there. "Well, she couldn't have gone far." I hummed and Light and I walked out to find her.

I looked down at my phone and turned on the tracker. I found that we weren't far from her. We followed it until we saw H sitting on a bench drinking something while laughing and talking with some man.

I felt this feeling that was stronger than anger inside of me. I wanted this man dead. I wanted all three of the Kira's to kill him in three different ways at the same time.

We walked over and H looked up at us. "Oh, hello." She said softly, avoiding our gaze. "Didn't your parents ever teach you not to talk to strangers?" Light chuckled. "Hey, leave her alone, okay, man?" The dude said and we stared at him.

"No, no, Adam, it's okay. They're my friends." She stopped him. "Well, some friends you've got." He smirked and I raised my eyebrow, about to speak, but H beat me to it. "And what's that supposed to mean?" She crossed her arms.

"Well, for one creep with the stare and two pale Dracula over here with the creepier stare." He shrugged. H was about to speak up again, but he continued talking. "But hey, your friends are your friends." He shrugged.

"Let's just go..." Light sighed and H got up and walked with us. I subconsciously put my arm around her so my hand rested on her back. "Call me, Reiko!" Adam called and H didn't respond.

"Don't you dare call him." I said in her ear. "I won't." She assured me, bringing me a little relief.

"Why did you even leave?" Light asked. "Well, I was bored, so I decided to get some shopping done..." She held up some bags she was carrying. "And then I got hungry, and I bumped into him, and we just got talking. I swear he was being nice and everything I don't know why he just decided to turn on the jerk mode..." She sighed.

"It's a thing us guys do. If we're talking to a girl and another guy comes over and tries to take her, we just become jerks. But that's only if the first dude wants to have sex with her. So chances are that 'Adam' just wanted to sleep with you." Light explained.

"Oh." H nodded in understanding. "Us girls aren't that complicated. If we want to have sex with someone, we just take off our clothes and go 'hey, I'm horny and you're hot. Let's have sex.' And that's it." H said.

That brought a thought to my mind. Whenever H and I were alone, she hardly had any clothes on. All of the times it was just us in her room with the cameras off...

...I may be the best detective ever, but oh my god am I stupid.

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