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School sucked fucking ass.

Two exams in one day, it's like they want me to kill myself.

So now I was angrily pacing around in my room, wanting to sleep, but I fucking can't.

There was a knock at the door and I glared at it. "Name and business." "It's Ryuzaki, and I'm checking up on you...?" I went over and opened the door. "Why's it sound like a question?" I asked. "Do I need my motives questioned?" He hummed before letting himself in and sitting on my bed.

"I brought you ice cream. You like strawberry, right?" He seemed nervous as he handed me a pint and a spoon. My angry and serious façade broke as I smiled. "Yes, and thank you, Ryuzaki." I said and sat on the bed next to him and opened it, starting to eat.

"Want some?" I offered. "No thank you, I'll stick with my cake. Anyway, I was looking on the monitors and you seemed upset. Are you okay?" He asked, taking his normal position.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "No, I'm not okay." I admitted. "Well... Are you going to tell me what's bothering you?" He asked and I smiled over at him. "It's these exams. I had one yesterday, two today, and four tomorrow. Then two others the day after and I'm free for Friday." I said. "And that's troubling you...?" He seemed confused.

"I get bad test anxiety, so I've basically been a nervous wreck all day. And it'll be even worse tomorrow. I just want to sleep the rest of today away and just get tomorrow over with. But I can't." I shoved a spoonful in my mouth.

"Why can't you?" L asked. "My sleep schedule is screwed to hell. If I sleep during the day, even ten minutes, I'll be up all night." I explained.

"What about your sleeping pills?" He asked. "Can't take them. In a little over twelve hours, I'll be taking another exam. Those are fourteen hour pills." I said and he nodded in understanding.

"Well... If you'd like... I could, um, stay here in case you wake up and keep you company." He said and I looked at him. "Really? You'd do that... For me?" I asked and he nodded. "I mean, why not? Isn't this what friends are for?" He said and I smiled widely. "Yes, this is what friends are for." I nodded. "I'll be right back." I said, grabbing an old T shirt and some leggings off of a drawer and going into the bathroom.

I changed quickly and washed my face and brushed my teeth and came back out, climbing into bed. "You sure?" I asked and he nodded. "It won't be awkward or anything?" I bit my lip. "No. Why would it be awkward? It's just us and we're pretty comfortable with each other." He shrugged. I laughed and he looked at me oddly. "You do remember there's cameras in here right?" I said and he nodded and reached for the phone in the room.

"Hey, Watari. Would you mind shutting off the cameras and taps in miss H's room for the night? Thank you." He hung up. "There. Now it's just us." He gave a small smile. I grinned back, deciding to make this a key memory, as L never smiles.

L sat beside me as I lied down on the bed and I rolled my eyes and sighed. "L, lie down." I said and he climbed over me and lied down beside me. "There. But more comfy, huh? How do you even sit like that all day? Don't your feet hurt?" I asked.

"Years of practice never go to waste." He said and I smiled. "I have a question I can't figure out. You don't seem evil of bad or anything at all. Why are you a criminal?" He asked and my smile disappeared. "That's a story for another day." I smiled kindly to cover it up.

"That's what you said last time I tried to ask..." "Story for another day, L." I cut him off. "Why won't you tell me?" He sighed. "I'll tell you mine when you tell me yours." I smiled and whispered to him.

He pulled back from our faces being so close together, and raised his hand and started to play with my hair. I smiled softly, closed my eyes, and let L do what he wanted.

Once I even reached up and combed my fingers through his black messy hair. I expected it to be oily, but it was actually very soft. He stopped moving and his hand fell to the side of my face.

"H, what are you doing?" He asked. "Paying you back." I hummed, massaging his scalp a bit. "You don't need to..." "Shh." "No. I'm doing this for you." He said, reaching up and grabbing my hand and holding them in his.

I fell silent and just stared at him, but I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. "Go to sleep." L whispered softly, and his voice seemed much closer to me. He did move closer so I was warmer. My head rested halfway on his shoulder, and he still held one of my hands to his chest where I fell asleep to the faint yet steady beat of his heart.

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